HUGE talent / mastery system revamp on its way!


In Cryo Sleep
no no no no no NO no no NOOOOOO

this is only going to go bad (less talents :O ) i mean cmon pretty much every talent point ive spent affects my rotation in a small way or a large way or a motorway ok not every talent (2nd tier fury is kinda lame) but other than that and my points on the arms tree it usually affects me in some way and knowing blizzard theyl only fuck it up anyhow

Tl,dr: NO!

(note that this is from the perspective of a poor writing enraged froth mouthed deranged fury warrior)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Whoa...! Brutal change...

Well... I have to say, on the surface, from a game design stand point, I really, really like this new philosophy.

That said, my level 60 Death Knight hybrid tank build is pretty much screwed... :)

Here's hoping they can come up with a valid tank design for level 60 DKs...



In Cryo Sleep
We are also taking a hard look at many of the mandatory PvP talents, such as spell pushback or mechanic duration reductions. While there will always be PvP vs. PvE builds, we’d like for the difference to be less extreme, so that players don’t feel like they necessarily need to spend their second talent specialization on a PvP build.

I really love this part :O


On the pvp part. Blizz wanted to make fire spec for mages more of a pvp spec in WotLK but they just made worse.
They have to test this alot if they want it to work.


Well-Known Member
If they stick with this approach, I heartily approve. My one and only reservation is to whether or not there will be any room for variation among specs, or if we'll all end up cookie-cutter-ish. If it's fun, I won't mind overly, but I like the variety as well.

And Engrek, they're not taking abilities away, you pillock. Read the full article properly, it won't be gimping your rotations or your spec in any way. You'll end up with everything you'd end up with with the old talent tree designs for 85, but some of it is awarded for merely chosing that spec, and the rest via the fewer but now-more-significant talents. If you're going to object/rage, read the whole thing properly first, nabcake :p

I'm hoping they DO stick with this design all the way to release and don't go back on it. A more focused 31-point tree vanilla-style makes more sense to me than a 51-point tree full of mediocre or boring talents that feel like "filler" on the way to getting the fun stuff (eg pretty much the ENTIRE first two tiers of Arms)