Hunter tactics


Soooo, ye. Im going to play my hunter again. But since im a total nab at it, I would love to hear some tips like, which talents to take. Im planning on being a faceroll beastmaster. Also what glyphs and what is my skill rotation?

A friend of mine showed me the one button spam skill macro when i hit 70 but is it still good? Hmm...... Halp!


Well-Known Member
The macro was never good compared to playing properly without using it :p

And no, the macro doesn't work anymore, because Steady Shot was changed; it used to be that while casting Steady Shot, your auto-shot would be paused until you'd finished firing. Now Auto-shot can fire even while you're casting a Steady Shot, so everything's changed.


Active Member
Uhm, yeah, so.
You don't really need a rotation for levelling. You just send your pet and pew pew. For regular mobs Serpent Sting isn't really worth the mana, just throw in an Arcane and that's enough. Of course, if you can spare the mana... *shrug*
Don't be afraid to use Bestial Wrath every cooldown once you have it, it's quite short anyway.
Get a Ferocity pet, like a kitty or somesuch, they do the best damage and you don't really need a tanking pet for levelling anyway - it'll hold the aggro well enough with its high damage output and with all the +health/armor talents in the Beast Mastery tree there's no way it would die unless you overpull WAY too many mobs.

Frankly, I don't think there's much to say to BM levelling. It's just so easy.


Well-Known Member
Get a Ferocity pet, like a kitty or somesuch, they do the best damage and you don't really need a tanking pet for levelling anyway - it'll hold the aggro well enough

Gotta disagree on this one as if you have any decent gear whatsoever when levelling (even blues) you'll likely pull off your pet a fair amount. I'm using the PvP heirloom gun on my hunter atm and I frequently pull off my tanky tenacity pet.
However, like Angi said, it's so easy to level a hunter anyway I wouldn't worry too much about it, they'll be dead before they reach you still.


Active Member
Until 80 I've never once had a problem with pulling aggro off my pet.

At 80 I specced Survival so I pretty much kill everything with one explosive shot :D