Hyjal raid


Well-Known Member
There is an event up for a Hyjal Summit raid for the coming Friday; please could everyone who is capable of attending and ranked at Trial Raider or higher please sign up.

If you are a raider in this guild and aren't signing up for raids because you "don't see the point", "don't feel like it", "can't be bothered", then please tell me or one of the other officers so we can demote you to Member.

There IS still a point in doing raiding, and there will be a point in doing it right up until the day before Wrath. For one thing, we can still progress, so that we can say how far we managed to get in Burning Crusade, how much we as a guild managed to achieve. Some people may still want some gear, and it's worth remembering that the gear we get in Hyjal and other T6 instances will last you tilll 80, and be good enough for 10-man Naxxramas in Wrath.

I hope to see enough people signing up to this raid to make it work, and I shall be very disappointed if I see Trial Raider/Progression-ranked members of the guild online and not signed up on Friday.

Furthermore, we will be continuing to raid after the next patch, so you can try out all of your shiny new skills and abilities on the raid bosses.


In Cryo Sleep
Just to let you guys know, there's also a huge nerf to all BC bosses coming with 3.0.2, nerfing ALL BC bosses and trash mobs by a whopping 30%, so gogo super progress during that time ;)


Junior Administrator
Just to let you guys know, there's also a huge nerf to all BC bosses coming with 3.0.2, nerfing ALL BC bosses and trash mobs by a whopping 30%, so gogo super progress during that time ;)

You got a blizzard source for that?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
It is a hp drop but it is because the whole way raiding will work is changing... Im getting so fed up of people saying its a bloody nerf. Like to see your healers have enough mana if it wasnt for this nerf since they wont have shadow priests working the same way or be able to chain chug mana pots.


In Cryo Sleep
New patch == New Talents == More DPS == Shorter fights regardless of whether or not there have been nerfs, sure, Mana management is going to be much more of an issue, but the fact that the fight is 30% shorter (not including the increases to DPS to make the fights shorter) means that each fight is going to be less of a headache. Don't say it's not a nerf, because it is, I've heard reports from the PTR saying BT is an absolute breeze, full clears being entirely doable in one raid. Outside of increases to DPS through talents, there have been some changes, shadowpriests for example, have had the base coeff of Mind Flay increased, and it can now crit too.

Vampiric Touch in its current form is OP (Live version, I mean) pure and simple, I was raiding and my entire group was finishing on full mana after 5-6 minute fights, having used no mana pots, nothing. Mana management coming back is a good thing.

PS. What is everybody's beef with me when I post on the WoW forums. It seems that as soon as I make a post, most become immediately hostile because I've never actually been in the Haven guild.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Decky, it wasn't you it was the nerf bit. I dissagree but time will tell.


Junior Administrator
PS. What is everybody's beef with me when I post on the WoW forums. It seems that as soon as I make a post, most become immediately hostile because I've never actually been in the Haven guild.

Our beef is the matter of fact way that you state your opinion. You state everything as if it is fact, rather than stating it is your opinion.

You will get the same treatment on any wow forum tbh :)

I personally don't care either way as I would like to explore the new way that Blizzard is taking this game in my own way without being told how to play :)


In Cryo Sleep
Lol, sorry mate, that's not how I want to come across. I'd never ever tell you how to play your class, I have no idea how an affli lock works, so for me to try and tell you how to play would be just stupid ;). The net ain't a great medium to show where you mean to be stating facts, or saying your opinions, and generally when you're mixing fact and opinion together, it can end up getting a bit messy and, inevitably, come across the wrong way.

I didn't mean to sound like I know it all, I was just stating things as I see em, and from my experience (The VT=OP was entirely from my own experience)

Having said that, I will state my opinion: Things should be easier come 3.0.2. :D Good luck in your progression up until, and after 3.0.2 hits, kick some BT/MH ass for me :D.

Cheers, Decky.


Staff member
Vampiric Touch in its current form is OP (Live version, I mean) pure and simple, I was raiding and my entire group was finishing on full mana after 5-6 minute fights, having used no mana pots, nothing. Mana management coming back is a good thing.

It takes a well geared shadow priest to pull that off, I can generally keep people going for a while but I am in full T6. Without full T6 I know I could not sustain my own mana long enough to sustain others.

I think the new changes will be good though, they will make shadow priests less of a utility class and more of a dps one.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what my member status is.. peon last time I checked.

Anyway if you want a sub-par gear hunter let me know.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what my member status is.. peon last time I checked.

Anyway if you want a sub-par gear hunter let me know.

Sign up, mate; if there's room, we'll take ya!

And for all saying it'll be easier with the new patch:

After you get used to the changes in classes, the lack of buff-stacking, the inability to chain-chug potions, the changes to Shadow Priests and all of this, it may mean that bosses will go down more quickly, but it doesn't mean the fight will be easier.

And last I checked, the guilds breezing through BT on the PTRs were in full Sunwell and could do BT in their sleep.


In Cryo Sleep
Haven, I agree, it takes a good geared and skilled shadowpriest to keep people at full mana, but it can be done, and genuinely, I've never had problems with mana (I've even been lucky enough at points where I haven't had to use any mana conservation/return strategies at all- no mana pots used, no shadowfiend, nothing.) Once you get to the point where you can time your mana pots and shadowfiend, mana isn't usually a problem, though I do agree that shadowpriests tend to burn through the mana pretty quick- Do you play shadow in full t6 mate? If so, what's it like! :D I've only had experience up to RoS and archi, so I didn't have access to t6 shoulders/chest etc, in fact, I was never lucky enough to get any T6. Tell me, is the extra MP5 useful, and what's the extra damage on Mind Blast like? =)

Btw, just to let you know that shadowpriests are no longer being considered "utility" classes, they are now being considered pure DPS according to blizzard sources.

Wind, you're completely correct in saying that mana is now going to be much more of an issue due to the various changes you highlighted, but I've always thought that a shorter fight is usually an easier fight, as it means there's less time for people to mess up ;).


Staff member
Max dps 1300 with abuse of drums of battle, up to 4.8k crits on MB and SWD (which hurts when abused wrong). Its okay as long as its a long and stable fight on a single target :)

Once you introduce multiple targets or threat issues then its quickly down hill to around 800 on dps. The main benefit of T6 is mana regen and survivability, I tend to survive a couple of big hits from mobs which gives the tanks time to respond, dps wise T6 doesn't really improve massively on Frozen Shadow Weave but I can keep going pretty much forever.


In Cryo Sleep
Oooooo 4.8k crits, shiny! :D Yea, Heavy SWD crittage can be quite painful in all honesty... Definitely, T6 improves survivability massively, FSW has huge amounts of damage on it, but very little stats, 7k health unbuffed ftw (Oh those were the days :p) 1300 DPS, that reminds me of one time when I was doing ZA, we were on halazzi, and me and my mate, a destro lock, were critting like trains, and we had really nice synergy, finished up I did 1230 DPS (without any drums) and he was sitting at like 1600 :D. Definitely though, T6 is shiny in terms of stats and the added survivability that comes with it, but to be honest, the main thing I like about it is how freaking awesome it looks!

Must agree though on your point on FSW, it was seriously OP at the start of BC, because our scalability with pure damage is much better, giving us something with that much damage readily available at the start of BC lead to many nerfs of the class. It's the main reason why we were so damn good in early instances. Hopefully for you guys though, in LK, scaling issues will be a thing of the past, as Blizz seems to have cured Shadow Priest scaling problems with crit a fair bit, though it will never be as good as a non-DoTers scaling with crit/haste, as DoTs are affected by neither. Things are still looking on the up anyways ^^. Enjoy LK for me guys, and SPs, keep owning all that lives (and undead things also) Gotta keep that reputation going for us guys! :D

Cheers, Decky.


In Cryo Sleep
Hyjal sounds like fun, and Shiftee and I have signed up. I think one reason people are being more casual about sign-ups is that a post went up saying raiding was more or less over until WOTLK so perhaps a bit of a contradiction there.