I got banned - lol


New Member
Well..It finally happened last night
I found a clan server playing Gulf of Oman - Snipers only
Cool..I'll have some of that
Ten minutes later, I was 24-0 K/D
And then I got kicked and banned by an admin
With over 600 hours playing this game, I have never been Kicked from a server either by a vote, or an admin (Yes I have been kicked for idling).
The ban message even had the cheek to tell me I was kicked for excessive teamkilling. :mad:

Has this happened to you?
And did you seek revenge?


Quick question, did you TK at all? If not, I guess the admin was one of your victims, and just got annoyed maybe? :D

I've been kicked for excessive TKing when I got a jet at the carrier in Wake Island. Loads of people then stood next to my jet (so I would kill them if I took off quickly), so I started to hover, one of my team shot a rocket at me and killed me. The jet then landed on all the people under me, and I get 5 TKs :( Auto-kick. Bastards :( I hate people who do that as they just want the jet. Had someone else taken the jet before me, I get a boat and start to make a land approach >=( Really gets to me >=(


New Member
No TK's..I was 24/0
But I guess they just dont like being owned
Or maybe they are just very bad loser's


Were you playing as a Sniper?

Also, was it a ranked server? as if it was, you could always get the ultimate revenge and have their server removed for breach of the EULA (i.e forcing players to use snipers only)


Staff member
In defence of the admin we had to do the same in Natural Selection years ago. If someone came on and was so good that nobody could kill them then the game ceased to be fun for the other 17 people on the server. Its also a very hard call at that point to say whether they are genuinely good or cheating. In order to preserve the fun for everyone else we would often kick the player after explaining that they were too good for our server and should find somewhere else to play.

Its a tough call but at least they had admins which is a very positive sign from the masses of un-admined servers for BF2 there are out there :)


New Member
I was a sniper along with everybody else
The server rules stated snipers only, and I didnt break any of their rules
Yes it was ranked
Yes it was absolutely great fun
Being sniper is my flavour of the month at the moment, and I guess I have got pretty good in the last 20 hours I have played this kit recently
My K/D ratio for my first 30 hours of sniper was - 0.5
Its now 20 hours later - 1.8
And yes I love my Claywhores

If I find another server that plays sniper only, then thats where you will find me (until being spec-ops or engie takes my fancy)

Oh Haven just posted..
I can understand when somebody spoils everybody else's game because they are unkillable, but I was a sniper, not in a tank or a jet or heli. One shot kills me
My preferred way of playing sniper, is to be right under your nose, where you dont expect me to be
Hence my claymore K/D of 6.01, and my grenade K/D going from 0.5 to 1.2 in 20 hours

Snipers are not seen in a friendly light in BF2. They are seen as non-team players, who are only interested in the kill, not the winning. Thats not my type of gameplay, (and maybe we should have a good old rant about kits in another thread). I always play for the win

I dont hack. I dont see the need. It would just kill the game for me. But it is very very difficult to prove that anybody is cheating on BF2. Most people who are having a bad game, just find it easier to shout H4XXoR


Active Member
Feel for ya mate cos it does suck when you get kicked for a pathetic reason. Only happened to me once so far. Got in an attack chopper on Dragon Valley and shot the other chopper out of the air. Instant ban for "being a smacktard". <--direct quote! Total time in game was about 3 minutes.

Haven, while I understand where you're coming from, I don't really think it's fair to punish someone for being too good. On the other hand I've never admin'd a server so I can't really make that judgement.



In Cryo Sleep
sometimes for me ist says "there is a problrm with your connection" whilst in game, then i get kicked and it says "excesive teamkilling"
i think its just that they cant think of a good excuse so just use the same one all the time


Staff member
Nope its not fair but it works and it stops everyone leaving your server never to return. If you cant make a server a fun place to be (by being fair or otherwise) then you may as well not run one. Sometimes you just have to make these decisions for the betterment of the server at the cost of the individual.


Yeah a similar thing used to happen on the Counter Stike Source server, If any of you remember the guy: Neffets or his friend Polmen. Anyway they were extremely good - and I mean you would turn the corner and get headshotted. They came on the server quite regularly and pretty much as soon as they connected people started leaving. It is hard but we had to decide to explain to them that they were too good and ask them to leave, or they would be kicked.

The main point is that if you are the admin for the server, your main intrests are trying to keep the game and server as enjoyable as you can. No one like to get on a server and be owned every minute. It makes the game unenjoyable and the server is emptied very very quickly.

I suppose it just better to go and find a more challenging server. If you look at it from either the admins point of view or another players point of view then you can see that it would be no fun.


Active Member
The other day lynx got kicked for 10 mins for killing the enemy commander over and over, but then he kept hiding under the stairs at the bottom of the construction site on shaqhi, i was defending him and lynx kept killing him, anyway after lynx was banned i followed him aroudn for 5 mins and then tried to TK him with evey gun i had and i was unable.

that was at =TsC=


Well-Known Member
I remember once, I went onto a CoD2 server, they were a new clan, not too good I might add, a bunch of close knitt friends, and I was owning them so bad, next thing I know "PunkBuster has kicked you for cheating".

I mean it's not exactly hard to kill someone that doesn't know how to use the crouch, prone, aim down sight or hold breath functions.

Oh yeah, Holding your breath is the new feature that allows you to snipe someone from insane distances, while standing!! I liked it when on original CoD, even if your prone, your crosshairs would still wobble a tad.