I need help


New Member
The purpose of this thread is for you to post up when you need that extra bit of help in completing a quest that requires a raid party.

PUG's can be a nightmare when attempting this kind of thing, so call on your Guild for assistance.

I shall start the ball rolling with my woe's....

Quests I cannot complete without a raid are:

1. Kill the Barov in the Western Plaguelands. Needs 10 man raid (5 to kill/5 to protect)

2. Kill the Scarlet oracle in the Eastern Plaguelands. Needs a minimum of a 10 man raid.

3. Kill the Twilight Emmisary in Silithus. Needs a 20 man raid.

The best way to approach these quests and other ones, would be to organise a Raid night, with the intention of completing all Raid quests that people may have. So get posting, and when enough interest is there, I shall organise an event.


Well-Known Member
I need to kill the Scarlet Courier (I assume that the Oracle comes later on from that), I need to kill the Emmisary in Silithus, I need to complete the Battle of Darrowshire, and I need to get the Deed to Southshore from the first room of Scholomance so I can progress onwards towards killing Barov.

This would be easier for me to get on with if I were online more, but well... let's just say I have a working copy of Final Fantasy XII and leave it at that, cha?