I needs the speeds!


Well-Known Member
(If this should go in link hive, please fire it in there and delete this thing in brackets, KTHX)

I found this pretty shexy looking site that gives a representation of your internet Download and Upload speed. It's called Speedtest.

So go about posting up your cool speeds with the forum code you'll find at the bottom.



Staff member
Listening to doc's broadcast right now, so I'm sure that has some kind of effect, but here we go:


In Cryo Sleep

I have my connection shared through my other PC, even though it isnt doing anything at the moment ...

Damn, my upload sucks. You aint getting nothin offa me, chaps :) Nice latency, though ...

Mines is 2mb from NTl I believe


Junior Administrator

NTL 4mb broadband... pity about the upload, right enough. :( Ping is about right given that I'm on a wireless network as well...


In Cryo Sleep
Look at the size of DrB's e-penis!

Here's mine, it's got a high latency like Nanor's, but apparently some ladies like that...



Staff member

This is on a loaded server though ... hence half my upload is nerfed under normal usage.


In Cryo Sleep
You know when you connect to the interent there is a little pop-up in the bottom of the screen that tells you your connection speed? Well mine connects at various speeds, right now it says I'm on 5.2Mbps, yesterday it was 4.6Mbps. So I tried the speedo test again...

My speeds haven't really changed much, though apparently I've magicaly moved closer to the server in London :D.


Junior Administrator
am stigging internetfrom some near my house,
thought considering this this isn't actually that bad, still sucks but i thought it would be much worse.



Junior Administrator

Here's mine. BT 8MB broadband. It's "peak" time though so i'll let em off...

however thatbird's one was done while she was at work today, so she was probably using her computer in her office at the school she works at.

So not real!