I r ded


Well-Known Member
Or more specifically, my GPU is.

PS. anyone with a spare/unused/unwanted PCI/AGP GPU compatible with ECS P4M800-M7 in the UK, PM or e-mail me if you can lend/send me it :).


Well-Known Member
Hrm, shouldn't that screenshot be appearing fine to us? Wouldn't it be that the GPU is messing up when sending the data to the monitor or not processing it right?


Junior Administrator
You sure its not the monitor or your monitor cable?

Bloke, we wouldn't be seeing that if it was the monitor or the cable, it's not a bloody photograph of the screen, its a PRNTSCRN, which means something else is afoot


Active Member
Hrm, shouldn't that screenshot be appearing fine to us? Wouldn't it be that the GPU is messing up when sending the data to the monitor or not processing it right?

Why would it appear fine to us if it is the GPU messing up? The computer is taking a snapshot of what the card is spewing out..isn't it?

I've seen this before when building one of my old computers. The graphics card I bought was faulty and was showing the desktop in a very similar way to what is on Psi's screenshot. Was just a case of getting a new card.


In Cryo Sleep
I had a similar wierd thing with my laptop, but it usually sorts itself out after a while.

Dell are too special to release up to date drivers for the gfx card (I think theyre 3 and a ahlf years old now :S). But yes, bloke: that was special!


Well-Known Member
I had a similar wierd thing with my laptop, but it usually sorts itself out after a while.

I don't know that much about computers, but that shouldn't happen if nothing is wrong with it :S.

Also, thank god (Or VIA, rather) for integrated GPUs.


In Cryo Sleep
My damn laptop is playing up on me atm, the bulb which lights the screen has started flickering/going off randomly, it's a month out of warranty, so no help from Acer, and I took it to a specialist to price how much it would be to get it fixed. Have a guess how much they said.....

220 quid ><. That's well over a third of the price of the laptop to fix something so trivial as a bulb, I mean COME ON! And now everything is working fine again, at least for the minute.......Hopefully, all will remain well, but who knows =/


Junior Administrator
Backlighting going on a laptop display means pretty much always going to be a replacement LCD panel as it will come as one piece from acer. Hence the crazy high price. It's an arse but that's how they're made.


In Cryo Sleep
That isssssssssssssss crappppppy. =P Yea psi, couldn't think of a better word for it, so I went with bulb :D. Considering I've had the laptop for a year and a month or so and I'm already seeing a crucial component showing signs of failure, my outlook for my machine isn't too good. At all. :( *Needs hug and cookies*


Well-Known Member
I wasn't picking at you using the wrong word or anything, I just don't know all that much about screens (Except that CRTs make you blind :)) and was wondering what it was.

In other news, I am the proud new owner of a X1950 Pro 512mb card! I can actually play TF2 on full now lol.