I Return


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hello, all, :)

I return.

As described here, for the past ten days, I was ensconced in a summer home, with my wife and some friends, doing nothing but tabletop RPG gaming.

We played Donjon, In A Wicked Age, My Life With Master and Poison'd, and we even did a bit of an RPG drill, using Rock Of Tahamaat.

During those days, I saw heroes being born and dying, monsters being slain, innocents being devoured and demons being summoned.

I told and heard tell tales of love and horror, tales of blood and sex, tales of gore and glory. I laughed, I cringed, I panicked and agonized, I celebrated, I mourned, and I even shed a tear or two.

It was a truly powerful week.

But now, all the tales have been told, all the heroes have fallen silenced, and the time for their tales has come and gone.

It is time to return to Azeroth.

Huzzah! I miss you guys.

See you in game. :)


Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
-Chokes T-Bone-


Wait. No. I love T-Bone, more than a fat kid loves cake.

-Chokes the next visitor to this thread-

Seriously, I am sorry.


New Member
Welcome back Zooggy,

Good to hear you had a great week, cant wait to hear some storys on teamspeak:)
