I wonder how many people are viewing that post..?


Well-Known Member
If you look at the boards index you'll see beside, say, the chatbox that there are 5 people viewing. I'd like to be able to open into the chatbox forum and see how many people were viewing specific threads. Is this possible? Well, I'm sure it's possible, but is it too time consuming to be worth it?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'll go with "yes" to both questions.

Though if I spot an easy way to do it that doesn't add significant load (i.e. no more SQL queries) then I'll consider it.


In Cryo Sleep
Well, if you click on the 'Currently Active Users' thingbob, that usually tell you what thread folks are looking at.

In fact, it tells you everything! It's the fount of all knowledge! I'm going to use it to spy on people ...


Junior Administrator
Er, can you not see the "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread" bit right at the bottom of each thread?

Or is that not what you want...


Junior Administrator
Isn't that functionality already on the front page? For me it says (For instance):

The Chat Box (1 Viewing)

On the front page... Is that what you mean here Nanor?


Staff member
Google Spider
Viewing Thread
Eamon Holmes butt boy...

Jesus guys, what kind of reputation are you trying to get us ...


Well-Known Member
Haha Haven! :)

I meant in the list of threads that it tells you how many users are viewing that thread. Like beside TWG II it would say 3 viewing without having to view the actual thread to see.