I would like them back...!


In Cryo Sleep
Hi... if you are reading this then give your self a cookie... and then give me one too..

I was like you once before.. had loads a cookies. They were taken away and I dont know why...

Now im just a poor guy with a poor family... please give cookies generously...

Thank you.


In Cryo Sleep
Hi... if you are reading this then give your self a cookie... and then give me one too..

I was like you once before.. had loads a cookies. They were taken away and I dont know why...

Now im just a poor guy with a poor family... please give cookies generously...

Thank you.

I shall provide a cookie escrow service :p


Well-Known Member
Awright, guv'ner... I might 'ave the cookies yer lookin' fer... what's it worth to ya, eh? *cue sinister smile*