[i37] Getting there/back


Junior Administrator
Ok, 15 of us going, I thought it would be appropriate to post how people are travelling to/from the event in case there are any parts of the equation missing and to see if we can help out in some way :)

So, based on best-guesses and such like, as far as I know the following is happening in terms of people travelling to/from the event:

  • Huung/Spicypixel/Oblivion - As you live together, I'm assuming you will be travelling to the event together, at least one of you driving :)
  • Ronin Storm/bob - Driving up, Ronin driving
  • Solemn/thatbloke - driving herself and me up, pending passing her driving test
  • Silk - Driving herself
  • Haven/Fury - Fury driving
  • Trax - Driving
  • Tetsuo/Iron Fist/Xarlaxas - Driving down, with Tets as the driver.
  • Nanor - Need confirmation from you, but I believe you are flying in to Birmingham??? Will very likely need a lift both from and back to that airport, it's about 45 mins or so away from Stoneleigh Park by road IIRC. Any volunteers?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'll relay Nanor from the airport unless it makes sense for someone else to do it in my stead. I'll take Bob along so he can spot Nanor for me.


Well-Known Member
I'll be the dude naked.

I'm booking tickets when I next get paid which is about 2 weeks. Might pester my mum to see if she'll buy them for me so I can get them sooner.


Well-Known Member
We live together atm, but as of the end of this month the rent runs out and we all toodle off home. I believe Pixel and Oblivion are getting a lift together with a friend, I'm getting a lift off my old man both there and back.
Of the three of us, Oblivion is the only one who can drive, and he doesn't have a car anymore :p


New Member
Well, I passed my driving test today, so QBoi will be driving up with me to the event. I have a spare tent I can bring along if anyone needs :D


Well-Known Member
Gratz, Solemn! Also, thanks Ronin for giving me a lift to and from the airport. :)


In Cryo Sleep
Good job, solemn! It's not easy, that ...

Also, I don't think I'll be buying no car anymore, so it'll probably be my dad's humble Jazz that carts meself and the heroes down yonder. It was a touch squeeze-some when we came down last year, so I'm going to work on streamlining my luggage so space isn't at a premium.