[i37] Things to do the night before you leave and other tips...


Junior Administrator
A few things I thought of:
  • If you are using something that requires batteries (e.g. camera), bring spare batteries and/or recharge them.
  • If it needs charging (e.g. mobile phone) then charge it the night before. Also make sure you pack your charger, be that a USB cable you plug into your PC or a mains charger.
  • A torch is very handy for finding your tent and seeing anything while inside it at night.
  • If you are driving then make sure you have petrol and your tyres are the correct pressure
  • Check your tent to make sure it has all the bits and still stands up when erected. (lol i said erect)
  • Check your map to make sure you know where you are going, make sure that you are heading to the correct entrance fo stoneleigh. (as detailed in another thread)
  • Print off your fast pass (it has a shiny list of things on it for you to remember!)
  • It WILL be hot in the hall (like, around 30 degrees if not a little higher). I would suggest going to a supermarket of some description beforehand and buying a couple of large packs of bottled water. Deodorant is also handy to keep at your desk.
  • I always get laughed at for this but particularly with all the swine flu crap, some baby wipes or something similar is handy to have at your desk for easy cleaning of stuff. Particularly your mouse/keyboard and your hands.
  • Someone's PC WILL go pop at the event. Don't laugh or yours will be next. (Unless they really did something utterly noobish)

...That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure other iseries vets will have other tips that they can add :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Your comment about Deodrant is funny, I was thinking we should of had some of our lot from Lynx come and have a stall there :D get geeks using it early :D.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I should probably mention that if anyone in my vicinity stinks I will be dragging them by the ear to a shower cubicle.


Junior Administrator
Couple more I thought of:

*Use IRC at the event. when on the LAN network join the server with hostname "irc" and you will get on a local IRC server where all kinds of things happen.
*ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS lock your PC if you leave it unattended for even 30 seconds. The keyboard shortcut Windows+L does this. (Note, I have been known to play with things on PCs that are left unlocked and unattended - ask Kirby, Iron Fist and Bob :D)


Well-Known Member
I don't even have a user account set up ;/

I was hoping my threat of imminent and painful death to anyone who dares touch my equipment would be enough to deter most people.

Also, what's the best IRC client now? Was MIRC back in my day.


Junior Administrator
mIRC is still "free" even though you get the popup at the start

Another tip: SET A PASSWORD on your windows account

And: Set your Steam client to download stuff from Ireland - this should then kick in at the LAN and use a local server on the network to save killing the net bandwidth if you need to download a game for it


Junior Administrator
Defo set passwords.

As our most veteran veteran I'm going to say NO DEODORANT in the hall. None. If I or anyone else feels that you need to shower then that is what you are doing. I have no quarms telling all of you you smell and Taking you kicking and screaming into a shower fully clothed if I have to.

If you smell you shower. Deodarant at the desk in the hall will ensure I hit/bite/throw you into/out/around the hall. I have nothing against baby wipes or possibly a bit of roll on stick but otherwise you are inflicting lynx on everyone else on top of smelling like arse. The solution is plenty of clean clothes and having a shower.

I echo blokes point on not laughing at PC issues as it will happen to you.

Bring all your install CDs. All of them from sound cards to games to the one you use as a beer mat on your desk.
I'll be bring my usual stack of install disks providing I can find them. I at the very least will have a vista SP1 disk but hopefully an XP SP2/3 disk will appear in my clean out tonight.

bring extra power cables. This is my method to ensure I have the correct amount of power cables. If at any point you think have I got enough kettle leads. ADD ANOTHER ONE.
Better to be a noob with 30 power leads than a twat with only one and a very turned off monitor.

errr I'll add to this later if I think of anyone else