[i42] Game DVDs


Active Member
Hi, i was hoping that some of us could play some original alienswarm on one of the i42 days for 2-4 hours, does anyone have a dvd version of ut2004 that i could borrow(?) to install it on computers where people dont own it, while i would appreciate an aditional cd key, ut2004 does allow multiple connections with 1 cd key, and thus i dont need a cd key just an install disc, for those of us who own it on steam we can use steam versions. I have a steam version. I can use my own 2nd cd key to install it on other's machines.


Junior Administrator
If i stick the dvd in the box I think I can bring a dvd with me. Some of us have the Unreal collection from Iron Fist as well


I have (in theory) an unused UT2004 DVD and CDKey if you want it? I have all the UTs on Steam, but originally bought the game on disc. And it is now just sat here. If you want it, it's yours. You'll just need someone to pick it up from my house on the way to the LAN. Probably Vibs if I get the banner made for you guys as well.


Active Member
Only need to borrow it, i have to admit what vibs said was a little vague, the game doesnt need a disc to run, just need one dvd version and thats loads easier than the 6 cds of which 2 must be inserted twice. Tbh cd key wont be needed having thought about it.