[i42] Print your Fast Pass!


Junior Administrator
Your fast pass is handy for two reasons:

1) it has a checklist of stuff to bring on it. I personally find it handy to add things to it myself before I pack (mainly so I don't forget Munchkin...)

2) It contains on it your booking id, and an easily scannable barcode that can be used at the check-in desks to speed up your sign in process.

This is NOT your ticket, and you do NOT actually need this specific piece of paper to get in, however, it IS handy. You MUST know your booking id when you go to sign in, otherwise it will take ages to find you and hold up the queue. In addition, remember you need some kind of photo id :)

Anyway, to get your fast pass:
-go here: http://www.multiplay.co.uk/
-Use the options on the menu on the right hand side to log in
-Click "Event bookings"
-Select i42 in the list presented to you
-Click on the "Print your i42 e-ticket" in the middle
-You will be taken to a printable page that should nicely fit on a single page of A4 that contains your name, booking id, the barcode, and the checklist.

Those of you with smartphones (or even phones with a browser of some sort) can also pull this page up on that and the barcode is usually scannable too.


In Cryo Sleep
So why do i have to set my steam location as ireland?

Multiplay host the "ireland" steam mirror and bring it with them to Newbury.

If you're at LAN , and set your location to ireland, and connect to it, you'll be on a nice fast network connection direct to it.

If you don't set your location to ireland, you'll be connecting via a relatively slow connection to somewhere else in the world which is more than 200 metres away :p


Junior Administrator
You're not guaranteed to get onto the Irish mirror even with it set to Ireland, so don't rely on getting everything once you are there. The way that steam assigns the mirror means you may end up on another mirror with a much much slower speed. So it's well worth downloading the majority of your games if you can before you get there.

Having said that as long as you do get on the mirror they download crazy fast :D.


Active Member
In my case, my home net is too slow. But i wasnt planning on trying to download these games during the day, its stuff like oblivion and EFLC.


Super Moderator
Staff member
also ask around you can copy a lot of the steam files directly and just re-download the exe (quite a few are locked with a key specific to your steam account)
so if you're getting a slow speed for something, see if someone else has it :)