[i42] Spare Seat


Junior Administrator
Due to one of the dr-ukr guys being dragged to a wedding over Easter, there is now a single seat up for grabs in or box.

Before I go asking on the MPUK forums, is there anyone in here that wants it, or knows someone that wants it?


Active Member



Was actually talking to a friend last night who was semi-interested, so potentially. Will let you know by tomorrow! :D


Junior Administrator
Who is noddy?
To answer that more succinctly killer, he's a RL mate of mine who's been trying to come with us for a while!

In other news, George has a mate as well who was pretty keen. Pingu, can you let us know asap if you're mate is interested at all, if not i'll get george to shout at his mate


Junior Administrator
Vibs said notfred had a friend who was potentially interested, if not there's a guy on the i42 forums wanting a box who's been to numerous LANs in the past (Lethalcleric) that I'd be happy to offer the seat to if no-one else had any objections?


Junior Administrator

I'm pretty sure that is why you have to post at least 5 characters in a post, so you can't do 'BUMP' and gain POST COUNT with no content!


Active Member
It was intentional, why would i have googled "big ears, noddy" if i was looking for noddy?

Hell the image is even called "http://www.noddy.com/lib/uk/images/about/big_ears.jpg"