Junior Administrator
Once again this is a post to see who may want to come slap a cock at me. Mr Ghostwolf has already noted that he is interested. Last time we were just 4 of us in a gym slapping my cocks about and that was fine. I have been having a look online and found a few clubs/groups that do open nights not far from the LAN.
The best one I have found that has got back to me play from 17:00-18:30 on Thursdays. Now as long as people are there this to me seems like a pretty good time to go and play without it getting in the way of the LAN. Hopefully we may have been able to get booked in before then and it alleviates that few hours of pottering about doing fuck all. Also yey badminton. The nice thing about this session as well as it is a come along and play group thing that there will other folks there so we would get to play hopefully more games with different people. It also means we don't need 4 people who want to play however more peoples is always nice.
Or if people would prefer another day then we can just book a court for 4 and go along. What do people think?
The best one I have found that has got back to me play from 17:00-18:30 on Thursdays. Now as long as people are there this to me seems like a pretty good time to go and play without it getting in the way of the LAN. Hopefully we may have been able to get booked in before then and it alleviates that few hours of pottering about doing fuck all. Also yey badminton. The nice thing about this session as well as it is a come along and play group thing that there will other folks there so we would get to play hopefully more games with different people. It also means we don't need 4 people who want to play however more peoples is always nice.
Or if people would prefer another day then we can just book a court for 4 and go along. What do people think?