iilyas and her detox


In Cryo Sleep
Well hellohah guys^^ just wanted to let you all know( as u can prob guess from the huge amount of my afk over past the 2 wks) that I cant really get much wow time in:( with college and work and stuffs and potato farming:p so I am having myself a little wow detoxing appointment:):)
so im guessing I wont be leveling this side of xmas or prob not much until the summer again:( poooo!!:p..but I will try pop on every so often to annoy you guys and get some xp. So please put me on an away rank until then guys thats if u have a spot for me there:) if not feel free to throw me away( which I hope u really wont do lol!!) but in the meantime I will continue to annoy u here on THN lol:) and watch my spuds blossom..



In Cryo Sleep
Yes! SHe's gone! Now beans will rule the world (of warcraft)! Muahah!

See you when you get back :) And gl with RL stuff!


Junior Administrator
All work and no play makes people go mad.

Remember that when you are sat down trying to think of reasons not to do that essay


In Cryo Sleep
NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I need you and Bexx around! Now I'm forced to keep trolling Meilleur and The Ninja! :p


In Cryo Sleep
Ninja? What ninja? I only see one ninja (and there are no mirrors/reflective surfaces in the area).

Doh! Well, real life and work over WoW, I think anyways. Good luck with all that shizzle and come back soon or my whisper box is gonna be full of the frenchman there whispering me 'omg you noob' etc -_-


In Cryo Sleep
OMg he is doing that to you aswell? I thought I am special :( DOnt feel needed anymore :( <emo>


New Member
What !? how can i flame you when im not even playing on the server, making me look bad by making things up... gah..

;) grotha.... i'll slay you one day..mmmmmh... it'll be fun


In Cryo Sleep
I can't believe I'm going to say this Meilleur. Looking at your signature I hate to inform you that blueberries aren't berrys at all. :P



In Cryo Sleep
ye!! stop ruinin my failthread ppl!! it was about me..but once again..frenchy always gets the spotlight rofl:D and oh ye btw we all know ur spammin us with whispers on ur alt :D