Image hosting and .. stuff.



So I got one of my weird website flashes again, but this time I think this is a good idea =]

I started a website that hosts < 2mb files for free, no bandwidth restrictions (got enough of that) .. Its gonna be running on a photobucket style system once I finish developing the albums and the databse ..

Give it a go, tell me what you think!

Oliver x


Nanor said:
Very, very, very good looking! You made a great job! :)

Thanks! :)

I figured keep it simple, i've been on many a site similar where its just full of bullshit that isnt even relevant (like ads :P)


Gopha said:
true true, any chance of it being able to upload videos?

Thats a very good suggestion! I was concidering hosting general files like 'putfile' but there could be major legal issues if it was misused, so I might stick it to video. Thanks for the idea!

DocBot said:
neat :) who's providing the bw for it?

Servage, legends. 510gb / month .. 25gig of space .. £15 tri-monthly.


In Cryo Sleep
ol1v3r said:
Thats a very good suggestion! I was concidering hosting general files like 'putfile' but there could be major legal issues if it was misused, so I might stick it to video. Thanks for the idea!

it would also be a good idea, just suggesting once youve got the basics up, that you could maybe do some advertising, like google and then you might be able to make some money out of it through advertising, many times i have heard on the news about it, this 15 year old kid is making millions everry year thorugh a website which has loadsof logos onit, how cool is that.:D
Also another not maybe Mp3 would be the way to go as your doing video (mp4) it cant be any harder can it, but there might be leagal issues there :\


Gopha said:
maybe Mp3 would be the way to go as your doing video (mp4) it cant be any harder can it, but there might be leagal issues there :\

Mm yeah, There will be big issues there, dont want the RIAA to snatch the whole host from me :P


BiG D said:
I'd be equally weary of video as well...

Hmm .. I guess theres no real way you can offer things without copyright getting in the way, I mean even hosting images pushes the boat out a bit. I'll stick to videos at the moment, try and intergreate a flash player, and just put something on the site about contacting if unauthorised stuff has been put on there. I'm sure companies would rather ask to take the content off first without SUESUESUE. :)


In Cryo Sleep
no actually thats true, but theyl send the boys round if they find out hu u r hehe, sorry i stole that phrase from someone oops apologies


Haha! .. I will be moderating the content anyways , if anything gets taken offline it'll be by me first =] .. All the content is logged by filename and IP in a databse so if the feds contact me i'll just pass it on. They're the ones putting it there at the end of the day.