Fine, you absolute (Insert appropriate expletive here) have pushed me... I can't believe im doing this. My main PVE spec is now gonna be HOLY just because you characters can't seem to do without my cleary imba pew pew more dakka healing =P. However... during the week i will be PVP'ing and i greatly dislike healing in PVP so will be a "Retardin" so if needed i will be able to heal but will need warning in advance of instances so i can go respec and keep you inept few alive for that little bit longer... I close this post with the simple message "I hate you all".
Yours, hoping Razaak will fall down a very deep hole filled with snakes, bears, laser-sharks, Darenus and the Ebola virus. Sabot - DJ Mexican
Yours, hoping Razaak will fall down a very deep hole filled with snakes, bears, laser-sharks, Darenus and the Ebola virus. Sabot - DJ Mexican