Inglorious Basterds


In Cryo Sleep
First off ive got to say its a very well made film, direction is brilliant, all that stuff is spot on. But the whole thing was ruined by, in my opinion an amoral message being portrayed.

This message being that, because the basterds (a bunch of jewish american soldiers) are the good guys, and the nazis are the bad guys (aka the holocaust) It is acceptable, if not praisable for the basterds to become righteous war criminals.

I felt generally sickened, not by the violence, but by the staggering double standard portrayed in the screenplay, all this is forgivable of course if Tarantino is making a subtle and cutting remark on perspective, observing his audiences encouraged glee at the brutal torture of "bad guys" and making comment that, like Goebbels propoganda films, our sense of right and wrong can be skewed by a more powerful sense of them and us. But i honestly dont think he would risk such controversy, and a possible superimposed backlash because he was not taking Jewish suffering seriously, by accusing them of the same potential inhumanity to which the Nazis are alligned.

That and the disrespect of the everyman soldier, the arrogance that, granted the nazi ethos was incredibly sinister, every grunt was a murderous hate machine, and should be punished mercilessly purely based on his affiliation.

That and a general disrespect for bravery in war, regardless of whose side your on really ruined the whole film for me. I found it deeply hypocritical and alienating. despite excellent performances by nearly all the cast, and superb direction from start to finish.

Am i reading too much into this?


Junior Administrator
While I haven't seen the film, remember in all of this that it is a work of fiction. Although borrowing heavily from real events for its plotline, it is a story, no matter how gory or outrageous it is...


Well-Known Member
While I haven't seen the film, remember in all of this that it is a work of fiction. Although borrowing heavily from real events for its plotline, it is a story, no matter how gory or outrageous it is...

Which still enables it to make every Germand soldier look like a brainless brute. While this may be a proper description in some cases, this is a general disrespect for any(!!!) German soldier fighting in World War II.

Having served some time in the Bundeswehr I can tell you that it is no question of which ideology you serve but mere a question wether you are willing to fight FOR your country or not. And risking your life for an ideology you don't align yourself with, which you might even dispise just to protect the country you were born in, where your family lives is an even greater sacrifice. And THIS should not be humorised in any way. While I generally don't have a problem with a parody on war films, like Hot Shots (especially part 2), I can'taccept parodies on war itself, as this is a topic that is not funny in ANY way.


Active Member
Well, I must admit I am more in the middle on this whole debate. The movie was fun to watch due to how good Tarantino is generally, well-directed and all that, but yes, the whole "we can kill the Nazis in brutal ways because they are Nazis therefore *must* be evil" is a view which I really find a bit hypocritical especially having studied German History of that period in High School and Soviet history which covered World War II.

In my opinion the movie was fun to watch as long as you weren't taking it seriously but does propagate the rather one-sided message that we (the Good guys) are always in the right no matter what we do, and our enemies (the Bad guys, clearly!) are wrong always. A view I was always taught to be silly and untrue by my mother.


Staff member
Whilst it has its roots based in historic fact it is a fictional movie. The not so liberal general public would doubtless be in uproar over anything that sympathised bad things being done to bad people "where's the justice in that".

That being said, I've heard the film has its merits if you can skip over the dubious morality involved all round.


Staff member
I just had a bit of a thought... Perhaps this is the sort of reaction it's meant to provoke? You all seem to be putting much more consideration into the whole good/bad thing with regards to war than you probably would've otherwise...