instance a week! or twice


In Cryo Sleep

I am announcing the "instance a week! or twice" event I am going to be running every week on Mondays and Thursdays. It is going to be a build up of the standard instance and working its way up to the TBC instances.

These will be 5 man instances, unless the interest is high and we will look at 10 man raid instances instead. I will post up the list of instance that will be done. As I'm organising it :) it will be my choice. This is a hint for other people to get organising 5 man instance up here on the Calendar and getting people involved. I will be pushing for people to sign up and hopefully have two or more groups running these as well so they can kit themselves up for us to move onto 25 man instances.

5 man instances that will be run Pre-TBC:

Blackrock Depths (52-60)
Lower Blackrock Spire (55-60)
Dire Maul (55-60)
Stratholme (58-60)
Scholomance (58-60)

5 man instance post-TBC: (These will only be run when everyone sufficiently fits the level.

Hellfire Ramparts (60-62)
Blood Furnace (61-63)
Slave Pens (62-64)
The Underbog (63-65)
Mana Tombs (64-66)
Auchenai Crypts (65-67)
The Escape from Durnholde - (66-68)
Sethekk Halls - (67-69)
The Steamvault - (68-70)
The Mechanar - (69-70)

10 man instances:

Upper Blackrock Spire (55-60)
Karazhan (70+)

The first instance for next monday wil be.......

Dire Maul - East, with a lead on to Dire Maul West - Invites will start 8:30 server time, 7:30 GMT

Then the follow up for Thursday wil be......

Dire Maul - North, This will be a tribute run and will be in preparation for a stratholme run with the buffs. - Invites will start 8:30 server time, 7:30 GMT

I will announce the runs every friday in preparation for signups over the weekend.

Calendar event will be posted up linking to this site for both events. Please feel free to discuss and criticise, bitch, moan at the choice of instances etc as all feedback is welcome.



Staff member
Woohoo, I assume over 60's are allowed into the lower level instances ?


In Cryo Sleep
indeed everyone is invited, I'm hoping it will exceed 5 people signing up so we can get multiple groups doing things


New Member
You know I'm good for doing most of these Instances, but lets please get the Azeroth ones over and done with quickly. I did a UBRS run last night, and it was absolutely no fun at all. Instances for me must have a challenge, be it difficulty/ different tactics/ speed attempt/ new content.

So yes, I am game for this, but would be more excited to run the TBC ones asap.


In Cryo Sleep
I want to judge the interest and start groups working together before moving onto the TBC instances. I understand the need for something new, but these instance will only last for a couple of weeks. As there just arent that many pre-TBC.

Blackrock Depths (52-60)
Lower Blackrock Spire (55-60)
Dire Maul (55-60)
Stratholme (58-60)
Scholomance (58-60)

After this coming week look whats left

This again could be done the following week. By this time we know what we're working with. I want to talk to umbrator about captains organising groups and by this I mean getting our fingers out of our arses and getting things done.

Its now a couple of weeks into TBC and we are still not organising events. I said I'd give it a while to settle in and now is the big push.

Also if you are interested please sign up on the calendar so I can get numbers of who is interested.



Junior Administrator
Count me in for DM east as i have a warlock quest there. This is part of the quest chain i need to do to get my Ritual of Doom

Which I think could lead to soem "interesting" nights :D

EDIT: you also seem to be missing Coilfang Reservoir from your list of instances... unless i'm being a nub


Active Member
Hopefully I can make these instances. It all depends on what time I get back from work and, because my shifts are random each week, I can't guarantee I can make any of them.



get it fixed :D

What's wrong with it... maybe we can help?

i quite honistly dont have a clue but my dad took it away today and said he should be able to get it back to me sometime tomorrow if not tuesday. So if all goes well and it gets fixed depending on when these EMA people take there fingers outta there arse's and acctually give me my god damn money i should be back on some time in the next 2 maybe 3 weeks =D


In Cryo Sleep
Ok well tonight will go ahead as planned. Invites will start for tonights at 7:30 GMT for the event of Dire maul East then West.

In east We can try and get the key and finish up with any quests anyone has there. West is for anybody that wants to finish the quests in the library that requres the elf killed.

Look forward to seeing you all there later.


In Cryo Sleep
Well the actual event itself was a success even though some people who signed up were unable to make it.

I had hoped for enough people to make up two teams but unfortunately that wasnt so.

The way the teams worked was this.

Dire Maul - East


It went well and we completed it with no problems

Dire Maul - West


There were a couple of issues as the priest wasn't as high level and there was alot of chain lightning spells from the arcane elementals that we had to fight and pulling 5 of them at once *cough cough t-bone* :P didnt help.
Though we got through really well and it was a success.

Its unfortunate that there wasn't enough people to make up two teams and I'd like to get more people involved.

Thanks for all who attended


Staff member
Yup many thanks for organising, had a great time and much fun :)

*runs around excitedly wanting more more more*

oh and have some rep :P


In Cryo Sleep
well the next one will be on Thursday. Unfortunately I won't be able to run it personally as I fly out at 8:30pm on Thursday evening and I won't be returning till the following Monday.

Hmm I will also have to organise next weeks "instance a week! or twice" events for next week.

I'll get that sorted tonight.