Insurgency Patch 1.0a coming "soon"

Ronin Storm

Staff member
To resolve some of the launch troubles, there's a 1.0a patch coming soon for Insurgency.

They're updating the patch notes practically daily so you can see the latest version at the Insurgency forums but here's what it looks like right now:

Insurgency 1.0a Patch Notes said:
--- code only
* ADDED: command "tkremove" and "tkdetect"
* ADDED: hint to suggest use of "cl_stancemode 1"
* ADDED: super-sonic bullet whiz
* ADDED: weaponsway after sprint
* CHANGED: alltalk is defaulted to "0"
* CHANGED: won't suicide you when you select another squad
* FIXED: attacking with grenades while sprinting
* FIXED: RPG playing the wrong draw animation when not loaded
* FIXED: the client crash XYZ ^
* FIXED: the server crash XYZ ^
* FIXED: flashpoint and spraypaint in spectator is now disabled
* FIXED: can not longer cook smoke grenades
* FIXED: reloading the M249
* FIXED: small problem for people that do not have SSE support on their CPU
* FIXED: strange behaviour in shotgun reload
* FIXED: players connecting won't instanlly spawn in the game
* FIXED: super-fast prone and unprone
* FIXED: unable to use grenade if attacking while going prone
* FIXED: suicide from explosions
-- others
* FIXED: various FPS fixes
* IMPROVED: weapon sounds (ak47, rpk, l42a1)
* IMPROVED: various map sounds

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks Pia. :)

Final patch log reads:

Insurgency 1.1 Patch Log said:
  • Added server-side cvars "tkremove" and "tkdetect" to help deal with team killers
  • Added cvar "ins_dmgfactor"
  • Added super-sonic bullet whiz effect
  • Added incremental weapon sway when low on stamina
  • Added hint reminding you of alternate stance modes
  • Added weapon slot keys
  • Added new map ins_hillah

  • Changed "sv_alltalk" to default to "0"
  • Increased rate of fire of M249 to be that of its real life counterpart
  • Replaced round-restart commands with "ins_restart_game" and "ins_restart_round"
  • Renamed server-side cvar "ins_endtime" to "mp_chattime"
  • Renamed server-side cvar "ins_friendlyfire" to "mp_friendlyfire"

  • Fixed attacking with grenades while sprinting
  • Fixed bipod view locking issues while moving in prone
  • Fixed exploit allowing people to finish reloading their weapon at abnormally fast speeds
  • Fixed exploit allowing people to go from standing to prone super fast
  • Fixed explosions recording deaths as suicides
  • Fixed iron sights twitching under lag
  • Fixed pausing of automatic sounds
  • Fixed people being unable to use grenade if attacking while going prone
  • Fixed players automatically spawning when they enter the server
  • Fixed reloading with M249
  • Fixed shells sticking to players and floating in mid-air
  • Fixed strange behavior in the shotgun reload
  • Fixed various server and client-side exploits and crashes

  • Changing class doesn't kill you anymore
  • Client DLLs now built without SSE, fixing a small problem for people with no SSE support on their CPU
  • Hint to suggest use of "cl_stancemode 1"
  • Optimized dust effects to use less CPU
  • Removed ability to use spraypaint or flashlights in spectator mode
  • Various gameplay balance improvements
  • Various small FPS improvements