I have a longer post brewing in the back of my mind, but the short version is that I like it. Sure, there's bugs but less than I was anticipating in a first public release; a few crashes, some oddities loading resources, weird nade-stuck-in-hand bugs, but largely playable and enjoyable.
Plays well with smaller numbers of players, I find. In fact, 8v8 might even be an optimal number of players for many games with less stacking in doorways and so on.
The game punishes mistakes with swift, brutal death (unless your opponent also screwed up at the same time), but that's no different to the days of Red Orchestra when that was free; you spend the first hour dying and wondering what you did wrong but when you get over that you find you just weren't playing the game the way it was supposed to be played.
I've enjoyed both sessions I've played and I'm looking forward to more.