Interest in Sunwell Plateau?


Well-Known Member
As it stands now, with the obvious exception of Icecrown, I have now cleared every instance and raid in the game... bar one.

To date I have yet to even get a serious go at any of the bosses in there, unless you count the day I got my first character to Exalted with the Shattered Sun and promptly abused a faulty mechanic on the reputation necklace proc to aggro Kalecgos from the door and force him to teleport me up to him and one-shot me :p

Long story short; would there be much interest in running Sunwell as a guild? It'd still need a goodly number of people (I wouldn't want to consider the place without 15 or so people; even after the 3.0 changes, the place was still hardcore), and a proper group setup in terms of having 2-3 tanks and 4-6 healers, so this isn't something we can just jump at like Black Temple or Mount Hyjal when any silly bugger with a prot spec and some random defence gear can tank it.

If there IS sufficient interest, I can stick up an event for it for next Sunday or Monday or something; nothing that'll interfere with regular raiding (Monday raids tend to be short and just for the Weekly raid quest, anyway, so Sunwell could be done after) or with the Haven LX raid on Tuesday.


In Cryo Sleep
Yes please! I've been wanting to do Sunwell Plateau ever since it was put into the game, and it's the only BC raid I've never done. (that and I've never killed Archimonde). I would probably be available on the nights you suggested.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)


The big issue is when. I suppose we could do it on a Monday of some kind, after the raid weekly. Or, we could sacrifice an LX run and do it on a Tuesday.



As it stands now, with the obvious exception of Icecrown, I have now cleared every instance and raid in the game... bar one.

Well, two... Ulduar-25. :D (Yes, we did clear U10, but still... Algalon and stuffs...)


Active Member
Sunwell Plateau. Been there. On "a" shammy. Was fun. Want to do it again, since all I did then was be the Totem Twist Monkeh. So sign me up!


Well-Known Member
Well, two... Ulduar-25. :D (Yes, we did clear U10, but still... Algalon and stuffs...)

Same content, different number of people. Not like we gain extra bosses from doing the version that requires fifteen more doods.

Also, at present I think Monday may well be the best option for such a run; it doesn't interfere with any major raids, and most people tend to do the weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday anyway, so it won't hurt anything serious :p

Edit: Put a sign up for next Monday, let's see how it interests people!


Well-Known Member
FU and your midweekery!

If we can do it once, I daresay we can do it again on a non-Monday day. There's some gorgeous-looking gear pieces in there, so I wouldn't be surprised if people end up wanting to go again to try and have some RP shinies.

Also, Monday isn't "midweek" in my books! :p