Interesting stats on piracy in on the BBC


Super Moderator
Staff member
Interestingly, Manchester, Nottingham and Southampton all have large Comp-sci departments.
It would be interesting to see a correlation based on uni size and downloads, and a monthly trend graph.


Junior Administrator
It doesn't surprise me at all, but they are still coming across with the view that every one of these downloads is a "lost sale" and consequently is a "big problem".

Also, claiming that the music industry is doing "more than ever" to allow legal downloading is also a load of bollocks. While it may be true, there's still an utter smegload more they could be doing.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Also, claiming that the music industry is doing "more than ever" to allow legal downloading is also a load of bollocks. While it may be true, there's still an utter smegload more they could be doing.

I was going to argue with that, but then I remembered that I frequently find that a track I'm interested in isn't available anywhere legally in my region for well over six months after release elsewhere (i.e. the US). It's pretty frustrating. Yet if I do a search for a digital download, I could easily download any number of illegal copies at apparently high quality even weeks before the release...

So I sit on my hands and try to be patient but a bunch could be done just by speeding up the channel to market and stopping with the archaic and senseless (to the consumer) regional distribution delays.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Honestly, after finishing reading the article i have a even more respect for Ed Sheeran

"I'm still selling albums, but I'm selling tickets at the same time. My gig tickets are like £18, and my albums £8, so ... it's all relative."

it seems like he is one of the few people that are looking at the shift in how we consume media and are trying to adapt to it


Active Member
Good read.

It doesn't surprise me at all, but they are still coming across with the view that every one of these downloads is a "lost sale" and consequently is a "big problem".

The artist most downloaded here, i've never heard of :)

Its a shame music isn't 75% cheaper.

They say that we should buy music to allow innovation of new music. But if you're hard up, as many of us are, you buy some music, they innovate, you can barely afford to benefit from the new music, the cost is simply too high for a business with so many competing artists competing for sales. Drop the price, increase sales, increase entertainment, and still get the funding to make new music. (I am not suggesting that a person would then buy 4 times as much music if the content was 75% cheaper, rather that 4 times as many people would buy.)