Introversion BBQ Mondays...



... really do exist!

...About half-way into my trip I got an email from Mark urging me to return home soon to restore some order as Introversion attempted to alleviate some of the tedium of a long beta phase with the introduction of specific "morale-boosting" exercises. Not entirely sure why he thought I’d be the disciplinarian within the company since I personally think the introduction of BBQ Mondays, Champagne and Caviar Wednesdays and 12 Pint Fridays an inspired idea...

For the non-believers amongst you!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
You can't handle 1 pint :D although if it was redbull and vodka you could be ok.


Junior Administrator
12 pints is easy.
well as long as its not in like 2 hrs. Also a pint of Vodka and Red bull works out as about 9/10 shots and a half can of red bull before you really taste the vodka. However after that much vodka you can't taste a damn thing, especially if you neck it in one.


Super Moderator
Staff member
after that much vodka in one go you'll probably also spend the rest of the evening throwing up or comatose on the floor