It does appear that its a variable that is set as phrase. I've not played with phrases yet but I think I remember roninstorm mentioning them ?install/vbulletin-settings.xml: <setting varname="welcomemail" displayorder="30">
install/vbulletin-language.xml: <phrase name="welcomemail"><![CDATA[Dear $username,
install/vbulletin-language.xml: <phrase name="welcomemail"><![CDATA[Welcome to $vboptions[bbtitle]!]]></phrase>
install/vbulletin-language.xml: <phrase name="setting_welcomemail_desc"><![CDATA[Enabling this option will send a welcome email to new users using the email body/subject phrases for 'welcomemail'.<br />
install/vbulletin-language.xml: <phrase name="setting_welcomemail_title"><![CDATA[Send Welcome Email]]></phrase>
install/vbulletin-language.xml: <phrase name="options_options_welcomemail_text"><![CDATA[If you enable this setting, the user will be sent an email after registration using the body/subject phrases specified in 'welcomemail'. Note if you enable Verify Email Address in Registration below, the user must verify their address before an email will be sent. If you have Moderate New Members enabled above, this setting will have no effect as the user will be sent an email once validated regardless of this setting.]]></phrase>
install/vbulletin-language.xml: <phrase name="options_options_welcomemail_title"><![CDATA[Send Welcome Email]]></phrase>
install/vbulletin-adminhelp.xml: <helptopic disp="700" act="options" opt="welcomemail" />
register.php: else if (!$vbulletin->options['moderatenewmembers'] AND $vbulletin->options['welcomemail'])
register.php: eval(fetch_email_phrases('welcomemail'));
register.php: if ($vbulletin->options['welcomemail'] AND !$userinfo['posts'])
register.php: eval(fetch_email_phrases('welcomemail'));
Right so what do we want putting in there, suggestions wanted. If you write in a cut'n'paste format then we'll just cut'n'paste itwelcomemail Standard Phrase Dear $username, Thanks for registering at $vboptions[bbtitle]! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your stay. All the best, $vboptions[bbtitle]
welcomemail Standard Phrase Dear $username, Thanks for registering at $vboptions[bbtitle]! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your stay.
To ensure that you get the most out of your time at $vboptions[bbtitle], please ensure you read our FAQ which contains important information, such as the origins of $vboptions[bbtitle], guidelines on how to best use the forum, and the rules and regulations which govern it.
All the best, $vboptions[bbtitle] Admin Team.