IRC Revival


Active Member
We currently have and have had an IRC channel for as long as THN has existed. In the past this channel was filled with many THN members either idling or chatting and joking away, but now, the channel is practically empty with only a couple of senior THN members idling now and then.

I would like to propose that we try and get our IRC channel popular again. THN members old and new should come along and try it out. I can admit that I think the reason why our IRC channel became so unpopular could be that we have something else that does a similar job, this being the shoutbox. However I think that the IRC channel can bring everyone on THN together in a more fulfilling way than the shoutbox does. If you take a look here at the THN quotes thread, you can see that a lot of the earlier quotes were taken from our IRC channel when it was popular.

I'd like to know what everyone thinks about this idea. If not many people are interested in it then I can accept a surrender and give up on the idea, but I do think it could be fun and bringing THN together again on a different level.

I propose we create a new channel named #thehavennet or #thn as I think our channel master for #thehaven is long gone and there is no way for us to regain control. In saying that though I think Haven may still have the highest privileges for the channel.


Staff member
I'm always idling! I do request that we keep the channel on quakenet, in any case.


Staff member
Also, the IRC link on the main page takes you right to a java based client, so there's really no excuse not to join!


In Cryo Sleep
Hm, I must say this sounds like a good idea, I'll see about reminding myself to hang about there.


Active Member
The IRC link on the forum is a very easy way to get involved, however, I say an IRC program such as mIRC makes it a lot better. You can log in as yourself plus leave the program running in the background which may be better than running a java script web site open all the time.


Active Member
So, does anyone else have any thoughts on this? I'd like to try and encourage some of the new THN members to give it a go. The more people hanging out in IRC the more worthwhile it will be to go there.

If anyone needs any help setting up an irc client just drop me a PM or reply here. For the easy method just follow the IRC link on the front page of the forums.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm the java thingy just times out for me. It's probably blocked thru work's proxy anwyay..