Iron Grip: Warlord


Active Member
Alright, so here's the dealio:
I'd like to recommend this game for people to check out :)

It's basically an FPS based on Quake3 engine (oooold!) with elements of RTS (you build and upgrade towers and shit), some RPG (well, you buy new weapons and purchase firepower upgrades and such) and tower-defense (you have a base you're supposed to defend against hordes of bot soldier and tank meanies).

It can be played solo with bots filling in the spots in your 4man team or in multiplayer in teams of up to 4 people. Single player is fun, but I wouldn't expect it to amuse me for more than a couple evenings. Multiplayer when you have teamspeak is brilliant fun, however :)

The best part? The demo you can get off Steam (do it naogh!) is free and can be played in multiplayer (if only on one of the maps).
The second best part? The full version only costs 6.99euro :)

Get the demo, peeps, see if you like it, squeeze in a coop match or two (poke me, I'd be glad to play it with ya) and/or get the full version and we're game ^^
Anyway, that's my bit of indie-love sharing for today.


Quick Tutorial (cuz otherwise you'll be pretty lost during your first game)
- WASD to run
- R to reload (I think), ammo and type of weapon in use is bottom-right of the screen.
- Mouse Wheel to cycle through weapons or you can specify key binds for specific weapons via Esc-Controls-Shoot menu. Kinda stupid this is not done automatically
- Bottom center of the screen shows your "power" = cash for buying stuff
- M brings up upgrades menu (health, firepower, new weapons, stuff), you don't have to be at any specific place to do this (unlike in TF2 for instance)
- G puts you into strategic building mode. Here you can build new structures, turrets etc., but you can still run around and are very much killable so watch out for enemies around (you can see them as well, it's just like being zoomed out a lot). You can also click an existing structure and upgrade it (or at least MG nest).
- the Stronghold is shown on the minimap. Don't let it be destroyed. If it is destroyed, you can rebuild it via the G building mode.
- sometimes you will meet "elite" enemy called Officer. While he's in sight of any of your teammates and shortly afterwards, he's shown on the minimap, but the icon disappears shortly after. Kill him, then the enemies will lose morale!
- Oh yeah, morale. Two bars near the minimap - red is yours, blue is theirs. Keep yours high, deplete theirs. You deplete it by killing enemies (a bit) and killing officers (a lot). You lose yours by dying (a bit) and having Stronghold destroyed (a lot).

That should clear the basics up, there's little else to it really :)

Game on!