Is WOW costing me too much?


Just added up how much money I have spent on this game in the past few weeks.

First of all I have changed realm twice in the past month. The first change was a joke, everything in the AH was like 70% more expensive than other realms and the ping to the server was very high so was getting frequent lag during instances. (£15)

I changed realm yesterday, but did my research this time. At the time of character transfer application, I was warned that if the server was too populated my application may be rejected. Well I picked the fullest server I could find and my application was accepted within the hour - so much for that warning! Healthy ping and resonable prices at AH. (£15)

This evening bought the digital version of Cataclysm (£30).

Just ordered another time card from amazon (£16).

That's £76 spent I have spent on this game recently without a second thought.


Staff member
If you're having a great time despite the costs then its money well spent. If you're not having a good time then irrespective of what it costs its too much :)



Junior Administrator
tsk. And now you have cost him 2 cents more Haven :D. He was trying not to spend more money.

It is a fair point though, as long as the end result of the pennies is FUN and enjoyment then I'd say that is worth it. If not then it's very much something to be concerned about


Junior Administrator
It all comes down to one thing: Do YOU think it's worth £76?

If so, no problem.

We really can't tell you how much your gaming and "fun time" is worth to you though...

Although we really can't tell you this, we can give you advice on it, however think you have already made your mind up on this :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I must admit... I was worried about this for a while... playing this game since beta with a break just before TBC and that was it.... that is a lot of months.

But if you consider how many AAA games people buy for more than WOW per month. It isn't too bad. Although I never change realms or name or characters etc :).

I sometimes do ponder moving my alliance lvl 44 pally and hunter though :)


In Cryo Sleep
Personally i feel that a lot of the things like Name Changing and Realm Transfer should all be significantly cheaper.

I for one would probably use it more frequently if they were not so expensive, and i have seen first hand how some times realms can be so bad that some players feel they have no choice but to leave the servers they are on. Take my younger brother and his friend Fluffypally for example, they were playing on one of the high pop servers that had one of the top raiding guilds in the world were on. Generally which ever server these guilds are on get flooded with millions of retards who somehow think they have a chance of getting in, and usually these fan boys spend their time flooding trade chat about how awesome the guilds are. They eventually got fed up and moved to a fairly new low pop server. Within months Blizzard decided that server needed help building its population so offered one of the major raiding guilds free transfer to their server. As expected the second they showed up on the server it was flooded with thousands of fan boys migrating there to follow the guild and the server become a mirror of the one they left, forcing them to spend more money migrating away (they tried to get this done for free with no luck).

Personally i feel any amount to pay for this game is too much these days, and I'm only really comfortable paying the monthly fee and even that is a stretch. This is because every single time I've needed to use the Blizzard tech support for any reason it has been shit. I'm not talking about in game GM's as they tend to be fairly decent, I'm on about support with account based issues. As an example Last time i re-activated my account my Authenticator had become 'de-synced' apparently which caused my account to be locked out due to too many 'failed' login attempts as a result. This ended up costing me £20 on my mobile and then several hours on a land-line, calling them up about 5 or 6 times in total to get sorted.

Even now, despite not having played in 4 or 5 months when i need their help it is shit. I have been getting tons of spam from "noreply[at]blizzard[dot]com" (their official one is donotreply[at]blizzard[dot]com) claiming my account has been hacked, details have changed etc etc. When i first got one of these i was instantly suspicious but did not trust the email. I tried to log into my account (not using any of the links in the email of course) and found that oddly, i could not log in, but i could log in to starcraft 2. This got me even more worried, and it took me about 6 emails with Blizzard support to determine that the emails were definitely fake and that once again my Authenticator had somehow gone out of sync with their website, hence why i could not log in again.

Even when i got a legit email that i was curious about, Their support seem to have no idea what is a scam and what is not. About a year back when i was not playing i got an email from blizzard during the whole Mr.T thing informing me that if i re-activate my account i would get 7 days free. I was naturally suspicious and contacted their support and was told it was a scam. Later (after this offer had expired unfortunately) i discovered it was in fact legit and the support guy who emailed me was clearly an idiot.

Ultimately though that's just my bad luck, so far every experience with blizz support i have had has been a very sub-standard one, and i for one don't like the idea of paying them money to do a job that at the very least they aren't doing very well. How ever like the others have said, if your enjoying your time playing the game, and you feel like your getting your monies worth then i guess its hard to say if your spending too much (or too little). It all depends on how much you value this game, i for one do not value it for very much at all.


In Cryo Sleep
Hmm this thred made me go and look at my subscription cost since i started in 2005...its just ..painfull! to see how much money ive spent but like has already been said, if it makes u happy what does it matter :)

P.s Cant wait to get back, counting the days now x