[EVE] ISK - The Guide


Junior Administrator
I haven't read much of this myself but there is a forum thread and an article on Massively about it.

This is NOT one of those "for only $29.99 I'll tell YOU how I made my HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of ISK!" - it's free. Yes, free.

It's a 416 page digital book, that has been described in the EVE forum thread as "the manual that EVE never had".

Massively have also mentioned it, so I figure it should get a mention here too.

Here's a direct link to the guide, if you look at it let us know what you think. It's likely there will be some spelling/grammatical errors in there as it was originally in Hungarian, and has just been released in English for the first time.

Again, at this point I have NOT read the guide, but I most certainly intend to :)