It's been a while..


Well-Known Member
So my PC thought it would die. I was playing Company of Heroes and the screen turned purple, and reset the PC. I did restart and the computer screen was just full of bits of grey. Not a pretty sight for a 'puter nerd. I'm pretty sure I've fried my Graphics Card (I only over-clocked it a wee bit! And elD told me too!) so a simple sending it into the repair shop is out of the question.

I'll be away for a while. It all depends if I can get my parents to get me a new computer or if someone throws a graphics card at me.. or if I hack the donations and buy me a 'puter! Ach, I'll talk to ya's all sometime..

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Seems to be the time of year for computer problems. Mine are getting steadily worse too...

Sympathies to you, Nanor. Hope you can get it sorted soon!


Junior Administrator
Tis perfectly possible it has overheated. Simple check... the fried egg test!

But seriously, I use a little program called speedfan (can't be arsed to link it) which warns me when my temperatures are getting too high.

Try letting it all cool down and then try cleaning ALL fans in your system. And removing all the dust too! (NOT with a hoover - Compressed air is best for this...) I had a nasty overheating on my computer for a while with my processor and realised (after buying a new cooler) that there was a layer of dust between the fan and the heatsink, thereby meaning that no air would get to the heatsink from the fan.


Super Moderator
Staff member
as bloke said it's possibly overheating ( my 9800 used to do this on a regular basis before i strapped 350G of Zalman HS to it)

you could also try setting the card back to stock

linkage to useful tools:
though for graphics cards i would recommend ATITool or Rivatuner respectivly for ATI or Nvidia cards


(I only over-clocked it a wee bit! And elD told me too!)

Oh no I didn't! You asked and I told you how! I also said to read ALL of the warnings on the coolbits page, and one of the things they mentioned was that if you overheat the card (ie, when the weather gets hotter), you will see graphics corruption (purple screen, and bit of grey). You need to log into Windows safe mode (by holding CTRL and/or F8 at startup, I forget), which doesn't load 3rd party graphics drivers, and then disable the coolbits from the nVidia menu.

So go do that, ya cheeky little so and so!


Well-Known Member
Ugh, I can't read the menu to see which button it is! Even bios comes up corrupted!


Super Moderator
Staff member
is it an AGP or PCI-e card as i may have something old lying around that would at least make it useable though not for most new games


Ugh, I can't read the menu to see which button it is! Even bios comes up corrupted!

You in windows safe mode? I can tell you the exact key-combo to press if you need, but if you're already in safe mode, it's probably fooked, yes. If not, READ MY POST AND LOAD SAFE MODE.


Well-Known Member
Well we could open a donation section for Nanor's new computer ... well ... we COULD ;)


Junior Administrator
I may chuck a couple of coppers in.

If I'm feeling generous.

And there is a total eclipse.

And all of the planets are in alignment.

and Elvis rises from the dead.

And I stop being taxed by the government.

If all of those happen simultaneously within 1 day I will chuck 10p into the pot :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'd be careful with such claims. Nanor may start asking for the Hugs to GBP exchange rate... ;)