Its Not 6th Of June Till We Say So!


In Cryo Sleep
Yes, yes its that time of year again when EA wants to sell us something, for anyone who hasnt read it heres a nice interview about armoured(sgt)fury.

notice how he fumbled the patch question

Reading comments to these things can really give you an opinion poll of the situation, on one side we have the...


and the other side that says


as consumers we like free stuff. Its only logical. And as a company ?A likes selling stuff, so we have a conflict of interest. Would it not simply be easier to support mods on ranked servers, or intricated mods into vanilla map rotations. Of course mods would need to be checked through first, but this would put some heart back in some of us that feel like were getting our wallets raped. What do you think?

Should the new patch be fixed before they even think of selling us something?

Should they encorporate custom maps into their rank system through competitions (like UT do)

Or are we just being whiney consumers?


In Cryo Sleep
Armored fury looks good and I may get it but after the dissapointment that was euro forces I will hold my money in my hand for the moment.


Staff member
I coughed up for special forces and I still want my money back. Not everyone has a short memory and I wont be buying any more expansions from EA. Good luck to those that do - if you play BF2 enough then you'll still get your moneys worth I'm sure.


In Cryo Sleep
Well its released! Downloading now :D Its only GDP 5.99 and from some websites people are saying its what BF2 should have been! However I will post up my own thoughts once I have played it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Gizmo-5 said:
Should the new patch be fixed before they even think of selling us something?

I wonder how many people really feel that the 1.3 patch is broken? I sure do (45 minutes on one server then server-crash, rinse, repeat), but if we'd all stopped playing because the 1.3 patch was so f00ked then EA would need to consider that maybe, just maybe, they might want to fix it as a priority.

However, if they're really working with multiple teams, one developing content, one working on patches, then I really don't see the problem in them doing both at once. It's just that we (I?) don't trust them any more and believe that it's all the same developers, so if they're working on one they're not focusing on the other.


New Member
The first week post patch 1.3 was a nightmare of server crashes.
But I have not had any crashes at all in the last week.
Everything seems back to normal.


Active Member
I've personally had no problems with 1.3, or indeed any of the patches, other than an inability to find more than about 100 servers (but that's not a major problem as I can normally find a decent server to play on). I also bought SF and think it's an excellent expansion.

Having said that, I have the same misgivings about AF as I had about EF. The main one is it being available on download only (not sure why but I just don't trust this). I think I will wait untill I hear more about the booster before I decide if I should buy it.



In Cryo Sleep
Well. its got a Ram dumper that me and gibson just got, it dosent crash to desktop, it just sticks and wont quit until you ctrl alt and restart (with bluescreen for me!)

Aside from that its pretty decent, the airplanes are pretty killable, but still lethal, the scout choppers are a good addition, and the maps are good qaulity.

Road rage is by far my favourite, its fun driving around in an 18 wheeler ^^


In Cryo Sleep
Gizmo-5 said:
Well. its got a Ram dumper that me and gibson just got, it dosent crash to desktop, it just sticks and wont quit until you ctrl alt and restart (with bluescreen for me!)

Aside from that its pretty decent, the airplanes are pretty killable, but still lethal, the scout choppers are a good addition, and the maps are good qaulity.

Road rage is by far my favourite, its fun driving around in an 18 wheeler ^^

Yup definalty, I was annoyed about that damn restart but apart from that I find its a very good addition to BF2 the maps are very good and there are some pretty intense firefights (Especially the middle outpost of Operation road rage :D ). Oh and for the people who thought that the air would own everybody, they dont, the A-10 is powerful but can be shot down easily and same with the scout choppers.


New Member
Gibsonfire said:
Yup definalty, I was annoyed about that damn restart but apart from that I find its a very good addition to BF2 the maps are very good and there are some pretty intense firefights (Especially the middle outpost of Operation road rage :D ). Oh and for the people who thought that the air would own everybody, they dont, the A-10 is powerful but can be shot down easily and same with the scout choppers.

I might get it then, if it's good. But i'll hang onto the fence a little longer...


Junior Administrator
Bought it this morning but have only managed to play three rounds so far. One on Operation Road Rage (which is damn good fun) and two on Operation Midnight Sun (I think that's what it's called). When the chopper pilots realise that if they stay behind the cover of trees on this map, alot of people are going to get very annoyed by being repeatedly shot at by choppers :D

I found that Anti-Air vehicles were completely useless due to the trees... when a chopper disappeared behind one you lost your lock.

I also had some damn good tank battles on this map too :D


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah Midnight Sun is awesome, I especially love those muscle cars :D, I wish they were on Operation Road Rage as well though since you could drive like a maniac down the high way.


Well-Known Member
18wheelers in BF2? This is a must for me! And if its 18wheelers with petrol tankers, then this is the coming of the newest suicide car!