Jesus, Christianity and whatnot.

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Well-Known Member
After being rudely awoken yesterday to go to chapel and sitting in the chapel for half an hour I heard the priest say that Jesus sacrificed himself in order to save us. Although, I was wondering what was he saving us from, and if he hadn't been crucified what would have happened? Would the Romans have uprose and killed everyone and everything?

Anyone know the answer to that and any other questions puzziling you about the christian faith post them here.

[mod]Thread closed as it appears to have reached the end of its useful life; debate points have been covered and going beyond this likely to cause some tears. //DeZmond[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
well he died tosave us from hacving to give sacridices all the tym, after that christians didnt have ot sacrifice anything again becos the death fo jesus was the ultimate sacrifice which could forgive and override any sin commited byy man or woman


In Cryo Sleep
Nanor said:
basically if he hadnt have been crucified then he would have still preached and gone further into Europe and basically done what all the saints did, but he wasnt becos he was betrayed by Judas.


New Member
I believe in God and Chrisitanity.
I believe (most) of what the bible tells us.

But I don't like the Church. I hate the way that they make everyone conform and practice their Religion in the same way. I pray occasionally, but I believe that I don't have to go to a Church to do it.

I don't like the Church. It seems too dominating, straight-laced and traditional for my liking.


In Cryo Sleep
well basically, Religion is behind most wars,but if we didnt have religion then we also wudnt have the basic uman rights and we wud still be living as savages, so actually you have to admire it really.


New Member
Gopha said:
well basically, Religion is behind most wars,but if we didnt have religion then we also wudnt have the basic uman rights and we wud still be living as savages, so actually you have to admire it really.

Enough of the text speak!


In Cryo Sleep
hey! its the PC not english language lesson!
anyway I believe i am putting up a very good solution to this actually


In Cryo Sleep
I personnally dont believe in anything (a.k.a. athiest). I just cant get my head round the idea of god and reliegon. I believe life is what you make of it, it isnt affected by some other entity. But thats just me :)

O ad Gopha u rely nd t stp wth the txt spch. :p


Jesus sacrificed himself for our (future) sins, according to the bible Jesus's sacrifice allows us a chance of redemption and forgiveness after death. Prior to this event, y'd burn for your sins :p

So to a christian, Jesus's sacrifice is a bit thing (and no, I'm not religious)

On a related note, Gopha you'll be burning in the pergatory hell of negative rep if you don't show the consideration to type properlly (ish) nothing annoys me more :p


Active Member
In answer to the original post, I seem to remember it was something like this.

Adam and Eve caused original sin by eating a apple from the tree of knowledge. From that point on, man was considered by God to be inherantly flawed, and would go to Hell unless they rose above their own nature and did something worthy of Heaven.

Then, Jesus was born, did the miracles etc. and was then betrayed by Judas and arrested by the Romans. When he was taken to be crucified, he made a speech about taking all the sins of mankind upon himself, which cleaned the slate. From that point on, humans were no longer inherantly evil, and would go to Heaven unless they deserved otherwise. So it was our "eternal souls" that were saved by Jesus (rather than our mortal bodies).

Be aware that this is only what I vaguely remember from my RE lessons in school about 12 years ago, so it may be completely innacurate.



Well-Known Member
Edit: Didn't see wraiths post.

Ok, I myself believe the Adam and Eve story to be as true as Peter Pan. I believe stories like that symbolise something. Like the good samaratian tells you to be kind to your fellow man. Believing Adam and Eve is like believing Noah's Ark. We are told to believe this, but it is a very hard thing to believe something from pure faith. Perhaps there was the 10 commandments, we should just follow them, right? But people have just broke it down to lots of little rules. It all get's very complicated for me to get my head around.


Well-Known Member
Gopha said:
says that with a spelling mistake lol

OK, True, one spelling mistake..

Gopha said:
well he died tosave us from hacving to give sacridices all the tym, after that christians didnt have ot sacrifice anything again becos the death fo jesus was the ultimate sacrifice which could forgive and override any sin commited byy man or woman

There are.. 9 spelling mistakes there, not including capital letters and full stops :p
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