Job up for grabs with me in Chichester...


Junior Administrator
So I got an email from the boss this morning, someone is leaving our company, this means that there is an opening for either a Tester or an Application developer (when I say app developer, I mean developing apps in a custom scripting language, not in a more traditional programming language) at my company, based in Chichester.

Salary will be based on previous experience and the role you want, but you are looking at something around £14k-£18k as a rough estimate.

If you are interested, you have my MSN (its in my profile) or send me a PM or grab me on TS and we can chat more about what the job actually entails and whether you might like it.

Also if someone I receommend DOES get a job then if you pass your probationary period I get a £750 bonus :D

Thought I would post here as there may be someone withing commuting distance who is interested :)

EDIT: thought I should add, we develop in-flight entertainment software :)


Junior Administrator

There is a slim chance that some people around here may be interested so I thought I would bump - There is a position for an application developer going up for grabs at my place quite soon, poke me for a chat if you want more info.


New Member

i think i need to stock up on bear traps for the next lan. Dont worry Phil you are safe =)