Joining An Alliance


In Cryo Sleep

Mostly to Iron Fist this (as he is guild leader), but I suppose it pertains to everybody in the guild. I'm working my way through Factions just now, and have started getting involved with the Luxon/Kurzick faction system thingybob.

I am thinking we should align our guild with one of the factions, and I was hoping it could be Kurzick! Although they are pretty much the underdogs (look how much that red cuts into the Echovald Forest on the map), I like them a lot more than those Luxon pigs! I hope you'll agree with me, I kind of got the impression you were interested in Kurzick yourself. We could put up a poll - Kurzick or Luxon - but what would be the point in that? I reckon we two are pretty much the only ones in the guild this even matters to.

Now, I have two propositions:

1) Speak to a Kurzick ambassador and align our guild with the Kurzicks.


2) I can open channels with the alliance my brother's guild is a part of - Whispering City of Q [WHCQ] - and ask to join their alliance. They are heavily Kurzick aligned, and seem to have a big interest in the PvE side of things. Also, although they have presence, they aren't a huge intimidating alliance who would scrutinise us. There are six guilds in the alliance at the moment, but four of them have hardly any faction points whatsoever; I reckon we could do well by joining them and being part of a bigger thing.

I'd go for the second, personally, but I appreciate how THN likes to pave its own road rather than walk along somebody elses.

What do you say?


In Cryo Sleep
The [THN] guild is now officially a part of the Whispering City of Q [WHCQ] alliance! Yippee!

What does this mean for us? Well, for starters, you can now shift your Kurzick (not Luxon, never Luxon) faction to aid the alliance in controlling areas of territory in the Echovald Forest and Jade sea! It also means you have all the members of the alliance at your disposal if you are looking for help, or maybe if you want to do a run in UW or the Deep or anything. The alliance places a lot of value in teamwork and co-operation, just like we do, so you'll find them a good bunch of folks to get along with.

We can also now take part in alliance battles in PvP. Although the alliance isn't heavily into the PvP side of things right now, there is a bit of chat on their forums about gathering some people together and starting a foray into that territory.

You'll see this new development reflected in the 'Alliance' tab when you open up your guild window (press 'g'). The other guilds in our alliance are listed there, along with us, and how much faction we have invested into the alliance. Hop on and have a look if you haven't played in a while. It's all busy and stuff!

Oh, and the alliance has its own dedicated forums for arranging things, buying/selling items and talking rubbish. You can find em here:

If you're a GW player, please do sign up and say hello to the folks.

So, a new era dawns on the [THN] guild! Hopefully this will prove to be a fruitful venture, and help us when GW2 finally comes around.
