Jump Jump Jump Zooggy


As many of us know Zooggy often jumps in raids and when we had the guild meet on that
island (me and names you know) he jumped in a way that would make any undead proud.

Did anyone get a picture of this wonderful celebration of something that our non-portuguese
minds cant understand?

Im getting older and im afraid that my memory sometimes forget
things and this is something that i dont wanna forget.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)


Thank you! I'm going to have a better day because of this! :)



Active Member
I used to jump in raids (tree form), until one of our raidleaders went insane and told me to stop, in a very rude way, I think i told him where to stick it, as it had no effect, and proceeded to make a g15 macro.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I need to see this. That is all.

Er... I'm pretty sure you did. Remember when we were waiting at the intersection for someone or other to show up and we pretended the stop sign was a summoning stone (yeah, how geeky can one get... :rolleyes:), then I started jumping around as if I were a toon right before a 25-man... How wo-o-o-onderfully decade-ent!

Anyway, yeah, I'm pretty sure you saw that. :)
