New Member
Hey guys,
was wondering how you are all doing? everything still cool or is everything falling apart with my absence?
Anything funny that I missed out or anything cool?
Anyhow I think I will have a little bit more time on hand the coming time so the return of the Nactall is hopefully near and I can start taking one for the team again
And no that is not a invite to grab me at the nuts the moment I log back in again
Hope I see you all soon,
Robin (Nactall)
was wondering how you are all doing? everything still cool or is everything falling apart with my absence?
Anything funny that I missed out or anything cool?
Anyhow I think I will have a little bit more time on hand the coming time so the return of the Nactall is hopefully near and I can start taking one for the team again
Hope I see you all soon,
Robin (Nactall)