

In Cryo Sleep
Are there any plans for Kara this week? I'm only 20 badges away from the Scryer's blade of focus, and I always have the sneaking hope that one of the enchants might finally drop (though if it did I'd probably roll -1).


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

We're skipping Kara for this week only, in order to concentrate every possible effort on Naxxrammas, as it is disappearing on Wednesday morning.

Here's hoping you'll join us. :)



In Cryo Sleep
By this week, I meant RL week, rather than Wow week. So if there's any chance of Kara a day or two after Naxxramas has been swallowed into Blizzard's gaping maw that would be great.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Bradstreet, and have posted an event for Wednesday evening.

However, I am going to point out a couple of things that are on the event notes, and that I want people to be aware of before signing up:

The last couple of attempts at Karazhan featured a lot of alts and ended up being rather laborious affairs with lots of personnel replacements and extended AFKs that meant we didn't go beyond the Curator.

I intend this to be a FULL CLEAR, which we're capable of doing in just over three hours. Therefore, while signup order will be a factor in assembling the raid, the priority will be assembling a well balanced group capable of clearing the raid. Alts are welcome to sign up, subject to the normal loot priorities, but not at the expense of a successful raid.

Please DON'T sign up as a "YES" if you're not going to be able to stay for the full time allotted to the raid (ie 11pm UK / Midnight CET) or are going to have to take long AFK breaks.

Hope to see lots of signups, and maybe two or more groups running through with their shiny new talents :)



In Cryo Sleep
I agree with Razaak. As long as a 'well balanced group' includes me. If it doesn't, I disagree with Razaak.


Well-Known Member
No reason why a balanced group can't contain a (slightly) unbalanced warlock :)

*runs and hides*


In Cryo Sleep
Baaaah, the first Kara raid with new talents and I can't be there, curse school and my laziness in earning money! I just kinda know that I'll be spending my annual £100 odd at Christmas again, so gotta keep that moneh to myself >.>