Karazhan - available!



Hello chaps and everyone! I'm Sokdror of the Theatre of Cruelty guild, and you may or may not remember me from the AQ20 raid a while back (I was the rogue who ran around screaming like a girl when the giant invulnerable bug kept chasing after me... hmm, that hardly narrows it down now, does it?), as well as general tomfoolery here and there. I am (finally) attuned for Karazhan, but as of yet I have no-one to run it with. Boo!

Since The Haven rank rather highly on my invisible "Guilds which don't suck" list, I just thought I'd drop by to mention that if you ever need an extra roguey hand in Kara, I'm available!

Oh, also my good friend Dhalamar (mage) who usually accompanies me on such excursions is still missing the final (Black Morass) part of attunement, and should you ever wish to run BM ever, it'd be jolly decent of y'all to look him up. I know he'd appreciate it, and I know I'd appreciate him being less grumpy over TS all the time.

So! Yes! Just a friendly note to ask you to keep us in mind, dontcha know? Yeah!


Well-Known Member
Thing is, we have -for the moment, at least- stopped running Karazhan until we can get a little mor organisation going on. I imagine that once certain people who are nearly 70 finally hit the magic number, we'll be a little more ready to go in, although we still have tank issues >.<

For now, I'd recommend talking with Teana of the Greywolf Tribe and asking if it's possible to get in on their raids for the time being.

Incidentally, give me a shout anytime I'm online if you or Dhala need to get stuff done (attunements and so on).

Hmm... now where could we hijack two or more tanks from...?


Staff member
Tank (storm) haven reporting for duteh sar !!!

Well in a few levels at least :P


Well-Known Member
Awesomeness. And we have Vonya coming up through the ranks for healing, and maybe Baldi if he hangs around... so one more healer and another tank and we could flesh out with a couple more DPS and be sorted.

Something to bear in mind for the future. But, as I said, not just yet. Stable guild before raiding, cha?


Well-Known Member
I'm always happy to help with any attunement runs if you need a rogue (Razaak) or a huntard (Dorakh) to help out.

Also quite happy to join any Kara runs with Dorakh if you're ever short of something to shoot pointy arrows at things.


New Member
I would need to quickly get myself attuned and to a higher lvl (almost lvl 67 with Vonya). Any help would be good.


Well-Known Member
Attunement's a doddle, no worries on that front. Also, if you start attunement as soon as you hit 70 (assuming you don't have to pause to grind cash for a flying mount), then you can get it done in a day and pick up lots of nice gear while you're at it;

-Complete run of Shadow Labrynth, plus associated quests (might as well take them if you're going in there, they have some nice rewards)
-Partial run of Steamvaults (or you could do a full run, and get a nice helm as a quest reward and possible stuff from bosses)
-Partial run of Arcatraz (don't even both doing a proper run here, not worth it ^_-)
-Full run of Black Morass (associated quests will give a nice ring, over 8000 rep with the Keepers of Time, and there's nice boss drops in there)

I've seen people do the whole thing in one day, and gear up nicely from it. Not bad, huh?


Well-Known Member
Don't forget the good old flying mount, only 900G for the skill and mount (no faction discounts available)


In Cryo Sleep

Il respec to healing if you need more healers 0.o Maybe a shaman could tank :P ? A shaman can hold aggro good with spells and such .. and .. err .. heal themself?

Forget it lol :P


Well-Known Member
do u work for wow these days lith?

Shush, you :p

And Mortar; go Resto if you want to, otherwise stick with Elem or Enhancement. Resto shammies are nice for raid healing, but I wouldn't want someone to be a healer if they weren't happy with being one, it just isn't fair to them.


In Cryo Sleep
If you dont remove that dagger i wont come help you again in game when those alliance dudes chase you!

EDIT: I just wanted to ask if someone would help me with my karazhan attunement? I think it could be good to have it done :D If i had the chance to go karazhan now and then id respec restoration.


In Cryo Sleep
anyway, enough of the stabbing, I should be back on the game from wenever the patch is out so if u guys wana do kara, My 70 orc warrior bexxor would grunt at the chance to come along (thats good)


im gunna be lvling my tanking druid asap! so any help/boosts through instances would be good! :D


In Cryo Sleep
what lvl is your tanking druid at the moment? and what realm? because i saw your post the other day and you said Shattered Halls realm :S did you mean Scarshield Legion?


was on SH...moved to SSL yesterday i belive (new char not paid transfer) :P