Keeping Blizzard Honest - the governor


Staff member
An application that monitors "The Warden" - an application that Blizzard installs that takes a good nosey through your system and reports back to Blizzard if it gets a match on certain applications.

More info, source and downloads at the link below:

The Governor


Active Member
Have you given this a try? I was put off by the possibility of being banned for using even this program.


That sounds very interesting indeed. And, according to that site, Blizzard can ban you for using a 3rd party program (mostly botting programs, cheats, etc., which I'm fine with). Does this mean that can detect if you are running ANY 3rd party program and ban you for that? For example, if they strike a deal with Microsoft, and then say "if you use Firefox, we'll ban you". Not very nice in the slightest, and I don't think they would ever be that silly, but could they?

Obviously, I would expect lots of people to leave WoW if they did, but "could" they? If so, I wouldn't agree to the EULA and ToS just for that really...

And FYI, I haven't read the EULA or ToS to any great length as I only tried WoW for 6 days. I'm just being curious. :)


Staff member
Yup their EULA is rather dodgy to say the least. Windows is third party software after all d0h!