Kingdom Hearts 2


Junior Administrator
The missus brought this home for me today. all I can say is its EFFING BRILLIANT.

6 and a half hours of play in (-don't you just hate game that keep track of how long you have been playing them?) and I am absolfuckinglutely loving it. So far I have seen quite a few different disney characters and worlds and this is only the tip of the iceberg! according to the game's blurb I get to go into the TRON world... HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT???

anyway... all I can say is that if you are in any way shape or form an RPG fan GET THIS GAME.

If not, try it anyway. It's good and there is so much variety you will not believe...

anyone else got this and agree/disagree?


Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to get this, loved the first one... Lol, I was using the first keychain for half of the game untill I realised you could use the newer ones.


Junior Administrator
I should probably add that I haven't played the first one. But it is something I will probably get...


Well-Known Member
The first one kept me entertained for hours :D, I may get this as soon as I have cash on hand for it. Maybe I could get it on discount with my Conexions card :D.


In Cryo Sleep
Hmmm, I saw this game when the first one came out ages ago and I thought it received a frosty reception from the public ... now its a couple of years later and I keep reading how good it is! Ive been meaning to pick up the 1st one at a cut price, but keep forgetting.

Remind me, is the combat mechanic in this game similar to Final Fantasy, FF Tactics or Vagrant Story? i.e. turn based, turn-position based, real time. Im not heavy into real time myself, mostly because I love lengthy summon and magic animations :) but a bit of hack n slash would'nt go amiss.


Well-Known Member
Err, combat mechanic?

It's pretty much a button basher. You can specialise in magic, offence or defence.


Junior Administrator
Err, combat mechanic?

It's pretty much a button basher. You can specialise in magic, offence or defence.

what he said. though I can't speak for the first one, (though i would guess it's similar) combat is done in real time action, with AI controlling the other 2 members of your party and you controlling the main character. Most combat attacking is done with the X button however there are other abilities that you can assign to various button as you learn them.


In Cryo Sleep
Ill probably pick this up on Wednesday after college then, Im going into town to buy Amnesiac anyway. Maybe it'll be at a nice price from Gamestation or G-Force. Has the second game been out for a while or was it released recently? Most of the PS2 games are reasonably cheap (£25-30) even at release now, thankfully.


Well-Known Member
It's been out a while.
@Bloke, later on in the game you should get more controll over the two other characters. Atleast that's what it was like in the first one.


In Cryo Sleep
Aye, Psi. Out for a while. It was released 3 days ago :) I guess Ill pick up the first one then, and get the 2nd later on. Maybe this can be the stop-gap for my RPG fix before FFXII comes out.


In Cryo Sleep
unfortunetly bloke has got it all back to front and has now got well and truely stuck into the seccond game even though ther is alot of flash backs which dont make sense to him.

Ive played the first one a wee bit ( like an hour) but I dont think it looks as good as the seccond.

Its great fun hearing donald duck going mad in the front room tho!! When im playing my PC all I can hear is him squaking away! very amusing.

oohhh and Moosha!! WTF


Well-Known Member
Cannae seem to find anywhere with it in stock at the moment... If anyone knows of an online shop stocking it then +rep for you :D.


In Cryo Sleep
KH 1, £20 was the cheapest i could find it in town, and no preowned at all :( Must mean its a good game. Ive ordered it off of for 13 instead, but its 'temporarily out of stock', so a wait for me.