Even though watching Kong is supposed to be an epic commitment (according to critics - who must obviously get a bit fidgety in any film over 2 hours and 15 minutes) I was absolutely engaged in the film all the way through.
Whilst in pretty much all the LotR films i was constantly shifting from buttock to buttock whilst waiting for the next uber battle scene, in Kong I was concentrating so much on the characters and detail that I forgot all about which side I would have to lean on next.
I also have to mention that it stays pretty faithful to the 1933 incarnation, it even has a few references hidden in this version that you might miss if you haven't seen the original yet. Another major fact is that it does for films now what the original did over half a century ago - pushes the boundary. Another thing I have to say, is that it does indeed urinate all over the strange 1976 remake from a great height.
Not sure about Jack Black's casting as Carl Denham, but then again Denham as a character is a bit 2D in his motive and purpose, simply to advance the plot and provide a reasonable premise for venturing to Skull Island, so I can't really imagine how different it would be with another actor. Only cheesy effects were the random 'Shell-Shock'(tm) camera effects and the uber-random slow-mo part when Driscoll types in Skull Island onto his type-writer in an almost comedy fashion, speaking each letter as he goes.
Overall though, it was an extortionate ticket price well spent, even if the experience as a whole was somewhat ruined by idiots in the cinema shouting 'jump' when Ann and Driscoll were on the top of the ESB and laughing when Kong fell off, after having been shafted by the planes.
Best film i've seen recently, even better on a big screen where you can see the gorilla-man in action. Highly recommended!
BTW: did anyone happen to notice the Rat-Monkey cage on the ship, a reference to BrainDead (a.k.a Dead Alive - one of Jackson's earlier films?)
P.S: I tried to keep this mini-review free from any major spoilers, but if I happen to ruin anyone's King Kong cinema experience i'm really sorry!