L4D2 - Pre-purchase


Steam are advertising for pre-purchasing Left 4 Dead 2 with a discount. I for one, know that I plan on buying this, since I enjoyed the original so.
However, they are also doing a further discount if you buy 4 copies on pre-purchase. Meaning a total discount of about £10 per copy.
Me and Wol are up for taking advantage of this offer, and we were wondering if there's anyone about who would like to make up the 3rd and 4th people?
(Should also raise the point of paying each other, but lets take things step at a time :))



Staff member
As I alread said in the RSS thread, not worth it until they give those of us who bought L4D1 something to make it worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
As I alread said in the RSS thread, not worth it until they give those of us who bought L4D1 something to make it worthwhile.

The new Crash Course campaign they worked so hard on and put so much effort into isn't enough? (!)

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Ignore big D. Me and ghostwolf will make it up to 4 with you. PM me later. Also probably best if Yerwol pays, cause we see him at least semi frequently. Me and ghostwolf will pay for each others copies as birthday gifts essentially.


In Cryo Sleep
I think the amount of effort theyve put into TF2 and all its updates is worth me paying them a bit more than the original £13 that ive payed for nearly 400 hours of fun!

Thats 4 then! Huzzah.


Staff member
Really, have fun buying L4D3 this time next year. If you're really lucky, L4D2 might be properly playable out of the gate!


Staff member
Versus was near unplayable until the update in February or March.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for catching that deal Panda. And thanks for the discount quartet guys. Was away in france making sure our students didnt burn down the amusement park.


In Cryo Sleep
Burn the house down! </irish accent>

Now I am owed a lot of drink and food :p


In Cryo Sleep
I also feel that even if it has been posted somewhere else on THN, it should be reposted here.

thanks to Pingue for poking me with the link:



Active Member
My friend any i noticed the other day the this game costs different amounts depending on the country of residence even though either of us could buy the 4 pack, england £81(88euros) and in germany 135 euros.


In Cryo Sleep

Def worth getting someone in the UK to buy it then and gift it overseas :p heh


Junior Administrator

Def worth getting someone in the UK to buy it then and gift it overseas :p heh

That worked for me and Angelic with Aion - he sent me cash with Paypal, I bought him Aion as a gift on Steam, saving him around 10 Euros.