[EVE] Large Donation!


In Cryo Sleep
Stopped playing Eve a while now, but got one day free activation to spend some ISK.

Therefore i has over 1 billion ISK left to spend, gonna see if im still in the Haven corp and send a billion over.

If not, who should i send it to that will post it in.

Also i has 200 million ISK to the person to answer this question:
Whats the Capitol of England?
a) Berlin
b) London
c) Vernon Kay

Just put answer a, b, or c with your eve name! Good luck!


In Cryo Sleep
Two very good answers!

Got 4 hours til competion closure (and patch download my end - stupid slow interwebz!)


Junior Administrator
Belegon! I have no idea if you'll still be in -hnw-, we had a clear out of inactive people apart from one, Ronin Storm.... Who is the CEO :p

If you want to donate it for THN endeavours, we do have our subcorp 'HavenNetworks Research' where bob, myself and ironfist still reside (I think killer-mk1 is too) other thn people can poke bob if you don't want the hassle of sharing monies out, and he could do it that way. Everyone else is many different corporations now :eek: *points at that traitor called thatbloke,'TRAITOR!* :p

If you cant find the corporation, character: 'bobshrek' is in the Corp :)


Junior Administrator
Belegon! I have no idea if you'll still be in -hnw-, we had a clear out of inactive people apart from one, Ronin Storm.... Who is the CEO :p

If you want to donate it for THN endeavours, we do have our subcorp 'HavenNetworks Research' where bob, myself and ironfist still reside (I think killer-mk1 is too) other thn people can poke bob if you don't want the hassle of sharing monies out, and he could do it that way. Everyone else is many different corporations now :eek: *points at that traitor called thatbloke,'TRAITOR!* :p

If you cant find the corporation, character: 'bobshrek' is in the Corp :)



Junior Administrator
I also agree that if Vernon Kay isn't the Capital of England he bloody well should be just for the LOLs. However I feel a vote of all of the above would be technically more accurate.

I'm never going to say no to free isk. Rentheera will always be happy to take some.

I'm happy to split it for people from HNWR as Trax suggested but totally appreciate if people would rather take it all separately. As another note if anyone wants any T3 built this sort of donation would cover the hull and a chunk of a T2 fit quite nicely if you were to get me to build it for you.

*coughs at bloke* :p.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
If you want to donate it for THN endeavours, we do have our subcorp 'HavenNetworks Research' where bob, myself and ironfist still reside

Just to confirm this is the case and that I'd suggest donations go there instead of the mothballed HNW.


In Cryo Sleep
Sweet will donate to havennetworks research for it to be divided out between yourselves and to make some nice T3.

Gonna keep my ship and 200 million isk on my character, incase i evre return!

Be on about 14:30 if any ones about, chat with Sarieles, coz i can't remember how to gift money to a network or person, how to search, or chat in general! Al help on giving money away would be great!


London! I get money to get more skills nao?


C gobol. I belive. Someone confirm? Bad memory.


In Cryo Sleep
Hoping i can transfer the money now, says it may be a problem on a trial account. Mine a 1 day activation, will have to see. Says to go,

People and places,

Find person (thinking 500,000,000 to bobshrek and 500,000,000 to trax, incase i screw the names up)

and Give money.

Does system or race affect this?


Active Member
Belegon! I have no idea if you'll still be in -hnw-, we had a clear out of inactive people apart from one, Ronin Storm.... Who is the CEO :p

I hope you didnt clear me out you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you Trax!


Junior Administrator
If people are happy I will log into bobshrek as he has access to all the HNWR wallets and I'll put this isk into a wallet specifically for this.

Now the question is what would people like to do. If people want the isk straight away then they can have it in 200mil chunks until it runs out. if not I suggest you allow me and Iron Fist to invest it in some way. I've not discussed this with him at all however off the top of my head either I invest this into my already growing T3 budget or between myself and Iron Fist we buy another sexy BPO and research it up a bit and turn it into a pinate once we can make some copies.


Super Moderator
Staff member
i'm also still a director in the old HNW of which you're still a member so if you want to just dump it into the corp wallet i'll make sure it gets over to bob

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Again, just to be clear, if Iron or Bob say it's good then it's good by me. 1B ISK being a fair bit of dough an' all...


In Cryo Sleep
oki doki, when im in ile check me options, if i can just dump it to the corp and it gets out to you guys ile be happy. If bobs about ile try and transfer it. As im on trial period, im guessing Corp will be easier.


In Cryo Sleep
Donation is in folks.

Enjoy it! Hopefully it will benefit you all in some way :)

Thats me and eve done. Its been great.

To all i flew along side, thanks very much, you made it for me.


Junior Administrator
Okie doke, a massive thank you. bobshrek now has the 1Bil.

Unless there are any objections I'd like to invest this isk rather than just divvying it up amongst ourselves. To give you a rough idea if I add this to my existing T3 budget it allows me to build 6 hulls at roughly 150ish per hull to build with 100mil change which is the best part of a 7th hull once my own isk is added. On a bad week these hulls will sell for 185-190mil.

This is purely a suggestion, if you would prefer I just split this into small chunks then I will but once you start splitting this up 1Bil seems less impressive pretty quickly.

I also appreciate that people may need to buy specific things now. I know that Gombol needs some skills for example. If you can let me know if you need anything like this and we can deal with that on a case by case basis.

I'll hold fire on this for the time being so you can let me all know what you think.