
In Cryo Sleep is a website/WMP plugin that is capable of statistically recording what music you listen to, how often, what your favourite bands are and how your tastes compare to everyone else (amongst other things).

Y'all can check it out at

It's easy to set up and install, and it runs in the background when you listen to muzak on Windows Media Player (not aware of any compatability with any other music-playing programs like WinMX or Real), passively monitoring which music you listen to.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, a few THN members have signed up for and I have seen fit to create a THN usergroup:

THN Usergroup

Current members are:

- Tetsuo_Shima (the_macker)
- BiG_D (BiG_D)
- Traxata (Traxata)
- Iron_Fist (jospicy)
- Dragon (THN_Dragon)
- Ronin Storm (RoninStorm)
- waterproofbob (waterproofbob)
- VibroAxe (VibroAxe)
- Taffy (Niafol)

KC, TBone and DocBot are all pending at the moment, but I hope they'll sign up.

It'd be grand if a few more of you could sign up and create a nice active group, with our own charts and all that jazz. It doesn't have much functional use, apart from gauging our musical tastes and (hopefully) introducing some members to new music tastes, but it'll be interesting to see how it turns out (and also who listens to Britney Spears the most [haven :p]).

Currently, I'm the leader of the group, but I'm happy to delegate that position to BiG_D, if he feels like it, since the group was really his idea in the first place.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Signed up. Just checking out, generally. Seems quite cool being able to wander around your musical tastes from a point you know. Seems I should listen to more Funker Vogt, apparently. :)


Junior Administrator
Im on there already :D , i have ...errr quite a large stats table ^_^


Registered: 28 May 2006

Tracks played: 63,513 :D

edit: Any music i listen too, makes a fairly small dent in my overall score it would seem now ... i can't go anywhere without my music ! especially as you can get the iSproggler addon which uploads all of your iPod track plays ( updates everytime you plug it into the pc and select the button in the menu )


Staff member
I registered sometime 2005. Although I've only been running the program this year (I think). So there's not that much statistics on me (i'm shrouded in mystery!)

username docbot, ofc.


Super Moderator
Staff member
right i'm signed up but you won't get anything till i reboot my laptop or get a new one as it's being a bit funny (the fact it's been up for >4000 hours probably doesn't help)


Interesting fact of the day!

Audioscrobbler, the plugin used to automatically send the artist, title and portion of the song to, started life as a third year project at University of Southampton's School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) :) That is, where bob, Vibro and myself are (and where thatbloke was :p).

Which is a bit nice! And meant I've known about this for a while, but good post Tets!

It's easy to set up and install, and it runs in the background when you listen to muzak on Windows Media Player (not aware of any compatability with any other music-playing programs like WinMX or Real), passively monitoring which music you listen to.

Just to let you know, the downloads page shows the plugins you can download, which includes Winamp, iTunes, foobar2000, Yahoo! Music Engine, QCD, and others :) So you don't have to use WMP if you hate it for the bloatware :D

[mod]Merged elD's two posts. --RS[/mod]


Well-Known Member
Sounds quite interesting I think I'll give it a try!

kk it's done

my profile ist THN_Dragon


In Cryo Sleep
Righty right, I'll send invites to y'all. Trax, you are a whoremeister :p

EDIT: elDiablo, are you signed/signing up for

EDIT 2: Do you reckon we should let other folks in the community if they feel like it, or THN members alone? It'd be a nice way to garner more members, but is full of jakes and the like. maybe I could incorporate a 'sign up to games.thehavennet' first before member approval or something similar?


Junior Administrator
I know tets :D, i've been upon the world of too long .... xD

edit: I'm not getting any awards from Audio Srobbler ... i think i'm too far ahead for it to realise :P


Junior Administrator
That may be a good idea tets, just depends if the people that are decide that's BAD :/


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, I know :( theyd probably be discouraged by the palaver of it - at the moment, I'll accept anyone who signs up. I'd change the recruitment policy to 'Member Approval' (as opposed to the current 'Leader Approval') so that you could all invite whomever you want, but for the fear of some idiots signing up and then recruiting all their friends and their friends and so on and so forth, which would inherently bring about some nuggetism in the THN group.


EDIT: elDiablo, are you signed/signing up for

Nope! I have a few weird quirks about the internet, and this falls into one of the categories I'm not so interested in as a social device. The technology is quite nice though :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm totally uninterested in it as a social device... but it is a nifty tool for finding music I might like. Worth it just for that, in my opinion.


New Member
Does it monitor iTunes? 'Cause thats all I use to listen. I can't update my Media Player, due to a few 'genuinity' issues with my XP Pro. ;)