Last nights fun and games


New Member
There seems to be a lack of people talking about their experience's from their previous nights gaming, so I started this thread off hoping that may change.

So I will start the ball rolling....

I had a quest to kill Rend in UBRS that was burning a big hole in my log, so suggested a Guild raid yesterday evening. After much a to do, we set off with me, Sec, Haven, Kromlech and Da' Bone + 5 pug's into this difficult 10 man Instance.

I think its very fair to say we rock'd tha house. At no point did we struggle, yes we had the odd death, but no group wipe, which I have never done before in there. Even the bad ass boss at the end (Drakki) went down fairly trouble free.

No epic's dropped on this run, but the quality of the blue's more than made up for it.

A special shout out must go to Tbone. It cant have been easy for him acting like a little stray owl at the back of the pack, but he never put a foot wrong and his healing made a big difference. Thats a massive two fingers up to those who refuse to enter an Instance with lower level chars.

So.. Now that I have completed that quest, I can get going on the 'Onyxia Key' chain of quests. This will involve killing quite a few of the Outdoor Boss Dragons that some of you might have met/run away from on your travels.

/end story

Now its your turn


In Cryo Sleep
Tbone kicked ass,

If anything the bad pulls happened because of that mungo mage and hunter.

Moonkin for the win.


New Member
But look how we coped with the adds. Nobody panic'd. And everybody got on with the job. Hence - No wipes.

Although I do recall a certain shadow priest going down like a sack of spuds occasionally. :p

But I put that down to the off-tank not protecting the healers properly. :p

This Guild is more than ready to get going in ZG. We have a core of some damn fine players who are more than capable of being the driving force in a 20 man raid instance.

BTW. Can Drakki reset the aggro at random? I lost him quite a few times during that last fight.


In Cryo Sleep
I think he drops aggro on the immolated player.

No point in pounding away at some who is taking about 4000 damage over 20 seconds.


Staff member
lthough I do recall a certain shadow priest going down like a sack of spuds occasionally. :p

*grumble grumble* Yes the rumours of my all new titanium weave robe were greatly exagerated. I blame T-Bone personally :P


>.< aarrrgh!!! i always run outta game time when all the good stuff starts to happen pisses me off :'(


New Member
Its been a while since I last blabbed about the previous nights to do's. But last nights Instance run was different in many ways.

The Dire Maul Tribute run

This one had been bugging me for a while, mainly because you have to purchase a fair few items before you start off. The whole idea behind this run is that you dont kill any of the 5 bosses on your way to defeating the king of the Ogres. You can easily skip past the first 2, then carefully avoid the 3rd who patrols a narrow area. The 4th you need to lure into a trap that you can only activate by turning up with some ingredients. The 5th boss can only be lured away by making yourself a Ogre suit (again, you need to bring the correct ingredients with you).

Finally you get to the king, and you must REMEMBER NOT to kill his friend Cho'Rush. Off tank the friend as far away from the king as possible (He heals the king if close enough).

The king is dead. Long live the new king of Dire Maul.

Loot the king for the usually excellant loot (2 nice blues).

Then the best part. Because you avoided killing the mini bosses, they will give you tribute. Hmmm nice. The rewards from the chest behind the now dead king are very superior from what you would have got if you had done the instance in the normal way.

I reckon this tribute run can be done in about an hour easily. You must have all the items nessessary for the trap and the ogre suit everytime you attempt a run. The items bought straight from the AH will cost around 8g, but I am sure some nice guild members could donate items to lessen the cost.

Arrgg... Nearly forgot. When you become the new king of DM, all the party members can get buffs from the bosses you didnt kill. The whole instance becomes friendly after the kings death, so run back to all the bosses for your Uber buffs. Some of which were +3% crit/ +15% stam/ +200 attack points.

I would willingly lead a group back for another run. Just shout out if you want to come along again. Classes needed: Tank, Healer, Mage, DPS, Random.