League of Legends


Staff member
For anyone who's enjoyed DotA, League of Legends should be interesting (I hope). Open beta until the release on friday. It's semi-free, too, as in you can pay for stuff if you like, but you can also get the stuff if you play enough - you know the drill.

I'm gonna try it out. My summoner name is Kala Azar, and user name is DocBot.


Staff member
It's FUN! :D Perfect game to waste 40 minutes on when you have that kind of time. Learning curve is steep, but that hasn't stopped anyone here yet afaik.


Active Member
Uninstalled as I'm currently playing Borderlands the most. Thing is I never tried REAL multiplayer (like with people), exactly because I was fairly afraid of the learning curve - I know some people have been playing DOTA the last several years and I'm sure they hopped onto this and would pwn me :)


Well-Known Member
Hmm, looks quite like and HoN. How's the hero balancing in this? In HoN there's quite a few incredibly unbalanced heroes and they just make the game a pain in the arse to play if they're picked.

I'll download this and try it out. My ingame name will be PsiSoldier ofc if it's not taken yet.


Staff member
The balancing is good, methinks. But my tip is to read the guides in the strat section of the forums and learn that way, you'll get owned less in the beginning then :P

They have a rather neat way of pitching players of similar skill together.

My basic advice is this: It's more important to not die than it is to get a kill. So play carefully, or play a tank if you don't want to. Oh and never leave a game before it's finished.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, which one is the default one? :D

Ah, I must be on the US server then, I got the client from leagueoflegends.com

Ok, I created an EU account under the alias PsiSoldier. It would appear all my time playing on US servers caused my name to get stuck in their heads? :p

I personally dislike that EU and US are segregated like this...


Well-Known Member
Xera and I finished OUR first game against real people today! I did quite well, Xera, not so much.


Majin Kyo was quite butthurt :)


Active Member
Right, I reinstalled it yesterday (username adamklocperk, summoner THN Angelic) and had a bit of bot fun. If anyone would like to play a real multiplayer together, poke me on Steam or XFire, I'd be game :)