Strikes me that one or two of you might find this interesting if you've an interest in writing games and/or learning C++.
Back in mid-2006, ran a workshop on their forums that ran over 20 weeks or so to help motivated people to learn C++ with a focus on how it might be applied (simply) to games development.
From their workshop introduction:
The course appears to be relatively generic in terms of the C++ it teaches, focusing on using the free and legal Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition as the course recommended IDE and SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days (5th Edition) as the course text.
Broadly, the book is divided up into 21 chapters, each chapter needing a few hours to get through and complete the exercises. Every 4/5 chapters, GameDev tutors post a (simple) game development project based on the stuff you should now know from the book. Their format was to do a chapter a week, though the first week was actually chapter 1 and 2.
I've started on this yesterday and I'm now complete on week 1's material, after about 4 or 5 hours of both reading the book, reading the forum threads and writing a little code. Admittedly, I'm an experienced C# programmer so a lot of the syntax and early concepts are familiar to me, though some are not and, in fact, work differently to C# at times!
Anyone else interested in working through this with me?
I'm going to carry on regardless but it might be interesting to compare notes and/or run our own study group on THN if there's a few of us...
[edit]Doh, almost forgot...[/edit]
The actual forum for the C++ workshop can be found here.
Back in mid-2006, ran a workshop on their forums that ran over 20 weeks or so to help motivated people to learn C++ with a focus on how it might be applied (simply) to games development.
From their workshop introduction:
C++ Workshop Introduction said:Overview:
This workshop is designed to aid people in their journey to learn beginning C++. This workshop is targeted at highly motivated individuals who are interested in learning C++ or who have attempted to learn C++ in the past, but found that without sufficient support and mentoring they were unable to connect all the pieces of this highly complex but powerful programming language. This is a 'guided' self-teaching C++ workshop. Each student is responsible for taking the time to read the material and learn the information. The community and tutors that arise out of this workshop are here for making the learning process run more smoothly, but are not obligated to baby-sit a person's progress. Because everyone will be working from the same textbook, students may find it easier to get answers to the specific questions they might have. There is no minimum age requirement, and there is no previous programming experience required.
The course appears to be relatively generic in terms of the C++ it teaches, focusing on using the free and legal Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition as the course recommended IDE and SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days (5th Edition) as the course text.
Broadly, the book is divided up into 21 chapters, each chapter needing a few hours to get through and complete the exercises. Every 4/5 chapters, GameDev tutors post a (simple) game development project based on the stuff you should now know from the book. Their format was to do a chapter a week, though the first week was actually chapter 1 and 2.
I've started on this yesterday and I'm now complete on week 1's material, after about 4 or 5 hours of both reading the book, reading the forum threads and writing a little code. Admittedly, I'm an experienced C# programmer so a lot of the syntax and early concepts are familiar to me, though some are not and, in fact, work differently to C# at times!
Anyone else interested in working through this with me?
I'm going to carry on regardless but it might be interesting to compare notes and/or run our own study group on THN if there's a few of us...
[edit]Doh, almost forgot...[/edit]
The actual forum for the C++ workshop can be found here.