Leaving Scarshield Legion... for a while


New Member
Heya, im just writing to say that i'm taking a leave from Scarshield for a while to play with my irl friends on another server, I enjoyed every moment being on SSL and in The Haven, I can say it was the best times raiding I've ever had.

I think I might move back to SSL some day, but for now this is my goodbye.

PS. Grotha you are a noob, and you will always be :D and Iilyas, enjoy the dess. DS.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Three things:

1 - Sorry to see you go.

2 - Come back soon. ;)

3 - On a more serious note, just because you're leaving the server, there's no need to leave the community. THN is about more than WoW, so I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, feel free to stick around and mill about. :)



In Cryo Sleep
Go away tbh. Who needs that nub boomkin? Pff fail!

[Hope to see you back some day :P]


In Cryo Sleep
nooooooooooooo!!!:eek: i knew this day was coming:( u cant leave my fat hairy cow man..b..b..b.. but i thought u wernt serious:(...well as everyone said..make sure u keep in touch here until u come bk!( which im sure u will:p)..miss ya until then..

p.s ty for d dress:) another collection to d wardrobe lol


New Member
Ofc i will stay here on the community, i will even play some on my twink pala on SSL so im not completly shut off from the haveners :p